
fuck you, you caveman looking piece of shit

best fucking thing I've ever seen. This game... is simply the greatest

so a tumbleweed doesn't deserve the same affordances as people? jesus. you fucking racist.

nice tits bitch!

fuck you master BITCH

by all means. let's put auto breaks in cars so that i come to a power-sliding stop on the interstate when a fucking tumbleweed rolls by and semi hauling gas plows into the back of my Lexus

panel gaps. nothing was snug. and it all rattled. those people were living in the stone ageeeeeeeeeeeee

i want an oculus. now

iunno how often you do it, just make sure i'm present k, thx, bye

get the fuck OUT of here

First and last question - where the fuck am i going?

hey look. it's a side by side of how fucking ridiculous old cars look

I fucking hate this green dude so much

Fuck you

Can we not?