Rachel Maddow in Russia Gate IV: Putin's Revenge

Regrets is not what I do”

Yeah, but she’s got to go sooner than that.

Wow, rarely have I agreed so wholeheartedly with anyone’s complex analysis of what’s going on. I, too, was on Team Nancy at the beginning, and I, too, am completely done with her as Speaker now. Pooping on the Progressive wing of her party and signing off on giving Homeland Security 4.5 Billion samoleons without any

Stealing the jewels and torching the place on her way out.

no Islamic society has “made a discovery in science or technology, or changed the world through artistic achievement.”

The point of impeachment is the fact that it needs to be done, not because it’s inconvenient right this second, we’ll get on that as soon as the country is a fucking crater in the ground filling up with water.

You’re disingenuous. You belittle the “3 freshman congresspeople”, then say you like all 3? Shut right the fuck up. Our representatives should not only be saying what we want to hear, but acting on it as well. Pelosi doesn’t act on what the Democratic base wants, and as speaker, that’s a huge issue. You defending her

Since then, Pelosi has repeatedly taken jabs at Ocasio-Cortez, once saying that a “glass of water” could have won in her progressive district.

Nancy Pelosi is Neville fucking Chamberlain.  When Trump wins a second term, she and Schumer will be complicit.

Frankly, I’ve always found people who say “I have no regrets” to be a little sociopathic. You SHOULD HAVE SOME regrets. It’s called being a responsible human being who’s learned from your mistakes.

The Boomers and pre-boomers’s of the world can’t stand not getting their way. Just ask anyone who has ever worked in the service industry.

If in this time where there are literal concentration camps on US soil and people dying in them, that the most important thing that Pelosi and the centrists can come up with is to attack progressives and not actually do *anything* about people literally dying in our literal concentration camps... Fuck them. Primary

You’re dishonest about it being about pragmatism. We have fucking concentration camps with kids dying in them. We have millions and millions of Americans slaves to medical and school debt and dying from lack of healthcare, and you sit there spouting deeply dishonest stuff about how we need to be pragmatic and rally

He should be laughing. And good for him for having the guts to let out some laughs at his ridiculous band of opponents. As a Trump supporter I can tell you that he is the only candidate on the left that sends chills down my spine. I think he would have won in 2016 had the DNC not rigged the primary against him. I

I wonder where the champion Pelosi defenders on this site are when articles like this come up. I see them chiming in on other articles having to do with taking shots at Trump or his flunkies, but any that have to do with Pelosi these days they avoid like the plague.

I’m not sure I’d agree completely with you. Most people that I know don’t spend time thinking about this stuff because it’s out of sight out of mind. Left to their own devices they don’t get these fever dreams. Fox News does manufacture this bullshit specifically that any kernel of ignorance of “others” gets inflamed.

Yeah, I know what you mean. My dad’s descent into conservative hell actually began with Rush Limbaugh in the early 90's but Fox News definitely sped the process up quite a bit. I knew there was trouble when they posted on Facebook in the late aughts that they were going to see Glenn Beck live. Shortly after that I got

Yeah I was thinking why don’t we go ahead and do that anyway. 

Oh, okie. Here, with you and rarely, I disagree in direct but not with your content.
The system is rigged: the DoJ doesn’t care about exec branch crimes; Pelosi will not start formal impeachment investigations, and you suggest its the media focus on a Gawker descendant website distracting from what’s important.

do you really need a reason not to go to New Hampshire