Rachel Maddow in Russia Gate IV: Putin's Revenge

Trump has just taken our root problems and smeared them into our face.

It’s the second. Learned helplessness and inability to think outside the box.

Question: Were the west coast liberal issues that Pelosi represented in the mind of the Steel Mill country, social in nature? (Gay and race related predominantly?)

1. Nope. I don’t believe in dismissing for a point of view.

Excellent thoughtful comment.

I would go a little further than Jon here.

First of all, thank you Sophie for giving this story some pub, and by extension, thank you WaPo doing some great reporting.

double post

You don’t have to go looking for surreptitious evidence of what Pelosi is complicit in.

Ron. This is also simplistic.

Since comment dismissal rooted in Rigid Intellectual Snowflake Syndrome, (RISS), itself a real condition not treated by American health care system; here are a few of my thoughts which may not see the light of day:

Glib reply.

Warren and Sanders are both too crazy for the general election

She absolutely understands and has skin in the game.

I am very encouraged by the comments so far on this thread.

Thank you. I just said much the same.

Democrats want everyone to have access to decent, affordable healthcare.

Okay, so right here when you jumped on the Russian troll farm angle brought to your front door, and responded with how they are now “manageable” and mealy mouthed, and so forth, I find it necessary to give some real world feedback. I am not going to provide credentials, you would not believe them anyway, so take it

Because they believe democrats think they the same way they do.. (ie: stones against their “leader” are an attack on them (ie: hive mind)..

Now playing

Foreign policy differences between the two are a factor.