mXxxxXm24 /O/ /O/

I want a 13b in my na so bad...damn.

Car seats?...What car seats? That's just excess weight.

If I ever need a practical family car...this may just be it.

Yeah the article was pretty uninformative. Trying to save and be "healthy" is different from person to person/family to family. What I mean is what is healthy for one person may not be for another; finding what your body needs is the key to health. One tip: oatmeal...bought from the whole foods bag your own


My mother has owned almost every generation of Camry. I had to look it up but the 86-90 was by far the best I've been in; it was the last of the classic japanese styling. After that this gen was created and the Camry became what it is today...just an awful, yet reliable vehicle (not calling it a car anymore).

I could see myself doing that on a date..."alright now; watch this!" as I jump out of the car...hearing only her screaming, "oh my goooosh...Whaaaaat the fuuuuk...Ahhhh!" I then sit back, feeling pretty sure of myself with a smug grin.

Exactly...power to weight ratio is key. This video and subsequent post were each a stupid waste of time.

I have agreed with Stephen A on a lot of his 'takes' on sports related matters in the past, and when I haven't agreed; I could see where he's coming from.

Every time I drive her, I just don't know what to do with all her's overwhelming sometimes.

Breast cancer research is a business. Like any business; they are in it to make money. The business of breast cancer has become one of the bigger money maker's for the NFL (amongst others).

You CAN do anything you put your mind to...until, of course you fail to do something you put your mind to.

People these days miss the point of camping. You need nothing but the basic needs: food, water, and shelter. As the saying goes; "Miata" is always the answer, as it forces you to bring only the basics and you'll have fun getting there (with a respectable mpg as well). Unfortunately you can only bring one passenger

It's the devil frog!

I thought I was still on Jalopnik...then I read your comment. Lol!

Thought it was implied lol. I do find it funny that on the miata forum; they have an 'automatic' section. Is this segregation? I do not know, but what I do know is: they may or may not be reprimanded for straying from their designated section.

Well there you go! Admitting fault is the first step towards recovery!

Listen; I'm all for telling a story about a car you've recently restored and sold, but this? You are purposefully trying to inflate prices, so that you can increase profit? I know people will say, "that's the american way" but that's just a b.s. excuse people use for doing something selfish.

Ha...I'm not the only one it seems. If an rx 7 were as affordable and reliable as a miata, I would have bought an rx 7. That said; I love my miata!