mXxxxXm24 /O/ /O/

Skyactive's great and all but...3 rotor.

"How can you be sooo Stuupid?!" he said, watching cars drive around a small oval toping out at a staggering 80 mph (generous estimate).

I somewhat agree with you say. I wasn't really enthralled by a jeep forum I joined a while back, but after owning a Wrangler for the past 7 years, I can say that most the jeep owners I've met in person have been genuinely friendly people.

How many commenters do you think didn't watch the video before, expressing their misguided views? Seriously though, why do people care if people walked on the moon? It is meaningless and a waste of he said there are many things our government lies about or sneaks in to law when we are too busy enjoying say,

I have literally never hunted or even thought about hunting a racoon. Wtf people? I mean, we have plenty of deer...why the fuck a racoon?! Honestly, who hunts a racoon?

I'll keep my 96M...Love all na and even nb miatas, but I just can't bring myself to liking nc's. My wishes are that the nd ends up being more of a tribute to the original miata than this slightly dressed up nc.

Has no one seen Tommy Boy??? Oldest trick in the book..."No officer, I wasn't drunk at the time of the was...a...bee...yeah, a bee!"

I am extremely jealous! Great find and very well done restoration. I'm not sure how you were able to part with her...I know I couldn't have. Someday I'll own one until then I have my mini fd (miata m with hard top).

We see here the latest product of the forza driving experience.

I've always revv matched for this not considered ideal? Or I guess maybe that is more advanced driving as it does call for heal to toe.