mXxxxXm24 /O/ /O/

Please, please... No one buy this. This is not ok. This is just one step in pizza hut’s continual effort to source the cheapest possible ingredients. All the while exploiting their workers and maximizing profits at all costs.

I couldn’t agree more with you on the point rating system. Completely flawed... The experience of driving cars can’t be boiled down to points... So much more depth there that only true car guys/girls can comprehend.

Ah... Yeah then maybe it was all a joke haha. I hope so.

I don’t know a Jenna Marbles lol

Yes, you get it... I was trying to look for signs that this article was written with a sarcastic tone, but I don't see it. Though sarcasm doesn't come across well in written form... So maybe she was kidding? Who knows

That very well maybe... Or Maybe that’s just who he is.

I really don't think James May is concerned about his personal brand, as you put it. He is just messing around, having some fun. More people should be like this :)

I didn't mean for them to stop after the first three... I meant that after the first movie to take it in a different direction, ending in 4 or less total. I never meant to offend with my statement. I just can't consider the franchise fine cinema. The first movie was a great car movie, pointed at a niche audience.

You say you get it but you don't seem to. The Miata being "simple and light" is only part of the equation. Balance is key as well, but they could put in a more powerful engine or turbo if that's all it was (though cost would go up and reliability/longevity would decrease).

The Fast and the Furious was an awesome movie. When it came out I was in grade school and I watched it soooo many times. I loved it, and it only strengthened my love of cars. I still maintain that it was an awesome movie (despite some questionable dialoge—I'm looking at you Ja Rule).

shows you that money alone can get you into racing. Lol

Same. I almost got hit head on by a truck the other night. It was a blind corner on a curvy road... He decided to use my lane, luckily I braked and he swerved, but the road can be a scary place.

is the video a good representation?

no lassie jokes?

Well... I'm avoiding South Carolina at all cost.

Looks like someone didn't like that wheel very much.

all good tips! Except for #8. Won't putting wait on the rear wheels of well balanced rwd cars (sports cars) just throw off the cars balance? I can see this tip being a necessity for some sedans, as well as trucks and jeeps with out 4wd... But in my miata? I think it wood do more harm than good.

my buddy has a 3.5 in his 2 door legend! It's an auto though ;(

Dude. What?! You... Or at least I see all of those cars all the time. Aside from the eagle, pulsar, and 505... I will give you those. Where do you live?

Mushi shi anyone?