mXxxxXm24 /O/ /O/

Well... That only works if your owner has absolutely no football sense, nor any interest in doing much more than what's convenient, to win.

Is there a link to the original video without that irritating music overlay? I imagine that would have been hilarious if we could hear people's live reactions.

Why not implement handwriting recognition to replace the keyboard? I mean this news doesn't affect me, but notes with handwriting recognition... isn't it obvious? Or is that also not allowed by Apple?

Why'd they make knuckles into a douche? He was my favorite; that kills it for me. :(

As I said before: Semantics... Yes. What they are doing is legal and not an actual monopoly, but as you said; no one has made a football game that can compete in the market without having NFL rights (I'm looking at you, Backbreaker). So, it might as well be a monopoly... unfortunate.

Funny... I never thought of these freemium games as essentially the same thing as gambling, but they absolutely are. Well done guys!

I understand... and it is just my opinion, but the changes they have made have mostly been for the worse. The best title was CoD 4 and since then they have made the game more and more arcady... I haven't played them since Black Ops though so maybe they are better now. Are they?


I'm speaking of the online multiplayer more than anything... if I had it my way, they would have just updated CoD 4 every 6 months or so lol

I guess it came off as if I was hating didn't it... By all means buy what you like as you said. I personally got tired of these franchises putting out "new" $60 games that really should have been minor updates costing maybe $10 online. That kind of thing rubs me the wrong way.

Very well. Thank you for asking!

Agreed... would like to see the company who brought us classics such as Tony Hawk Pro Skater and CoD 4: Modern Warfare, step up once again.

I guess that backfired on me... Dammit!

Haha... you're right; it's a catch 22. Still... you get my point: If you don't like the games; don't buy them, or stop complaining. Up until Black Ops; I always ended up buying the cod game, because all my friends wouldn't play the old call of duties with me very often... well they would when they got pissed off at

Yup... and monopolies are supposed to be illegal. A** holes...

Stop giving into peer pressure people. Don't buy these stupid games and the developers will be forced to make better games to meet demand. Out of principal, I have not bought another Call of Duty game or Madden game in a while. I won't buy them until they step up... or maybe not ever, because they have left a bad

How would he like it if some cops pulled him over and shoved a camera in his face. Agree with his cause, just no need to shove a camera in the officer's face... shows a huge lack of respect.

This is b.s. I had creepy crawlers and played with them all the time.

Awesome. Now when will this be available on my ps3?!

You can't just say German (Edit: you said European in general) cars are unreliable. My first car vw golf mk3, 293,000miles when I got it. It kept running and never broke down, even when the vacuum hose broke off and started to suck in water on a very rainy night.