
Not British.

There is no universally accepted name for the archipelago, Irish Government don’t accept the term as Ireland is not British, The British isles is a political idea. If its purely geographical why dose it include Shetland yet exclude the Faroes? It also includes the channel islands which, geographically speaking,are

we are not british, there was a war and everything

Is an Irish flag really the only cover image available for this? Like, it wasn’t a national event or quintessentially Irish. It was some single gobshite company who clearly couldn’t’ve organised a piss-up in a brewery.

This is in Dublin, Ireland. A place that fought very hard to not be British. C’mon.

Ireland does not consider itself part of the British Isles. The correct term would be British and Irish Isles, as the Islands of Britain and Ireland.

I second this, definitely not Lolita. Lolita is a very structured style, with a lot of rules and requirements to an outfit. You might see something like this in Harajuku, true, but not a a Lolita coordinate.


The stars next to my comments suggest otherwise. But it’s great that rather than engage in the conversation, this is the point you’ve chosen to make.

But you already bought the game. I’m sorry cheaters ruined your experience, I imaging that must suck, especially after shelling out $60. But from a legal standpoint, in the scenario you describe, the cheaters haven’t cost Blizzard any money from you (though that somewhat depends on what percentage of users buy

Again, my questions are about the legal case because it’s an interesting legal question to me. This is a comments section, if you can’t handle people discussing things they find interesting you should probably find another way to spend your time.

I don’t play Overwatch, my questions were about the legal basis for the suit, not justifying the use of cheating, but whether building a cheat is illegal and the basis for a civil suit. My questions about the lawsuit aren’t some effort to justify my cheating, but that does seem to be the assumption by those who have

But the cheat makers aren’t playing the game, so they aren’t (necessarily) violating the EULA. Every user who cheats is, but that is a different matter. I’d also suspect (without looking at the Overwatch EULA) that it does not authorize Blizzard infinite damages for anyone violating it, or if it does, that is a wholly

I asked a question and am trying to have a conversation, you’re just an asshole mad about something nobody will or wants to understand. Go fuck yourself.

I’m still not clear on the basis for this suit. Perhaps minor copyright infringement if they use Blizzard assets in their marketing, but that’s easily solvable. But I don’t see how me creating a product that alters the way your product works grounds for a civil tort. If anything, the cheats have expanded the market

This is a great cosplay, and video, won’t dispute that.

I thought it was a pretty classic joke. I don’t understand why people get offended by this shit. Calling women “chatty” is effectively equivalent of calling men “douches”, which happens all the time on this site without anyone batting an eye.

My age group had Smiths, Cure, Joy Division, and Robyn Hitchcock speaking for us, so let me just say to you and yours: STOP DOING HEROIN ON MY LAWN, YOUNG GRUNGIES!

I will begin where we agree most: Cash’s version of “Hurt” is the most incredibly powerful, haunting bit of music I’ve heard in years. I used to play it alongside Reznor’s version for my classes when teaching semiotics just for demonstration of how much the meaning of a song can change from one artist to the next.


It was funny because of the climate. The fact that it got this reaction, something so fucking simple its said weekly in sitcoms, is what makes it funny. It shows how fucking up tight and fucking brain dead the social police have become.

Side bar, have you ever fucking listened to a female comedian? Show me one that