
Shōga (生姜) is ginger, not pork. You also wrote ごくまずい instead of ごくまずい. You’re forgiven, must be Friday.

The funny thing is, the writer of this article is based from Japan, and already lived a long time there. And yet he got the meaning of “shoga” wrong?

As person who is able to read books in Japanese with ease, everything about this article irritates me. Firstly “Yaakkii” and Yucky don’t sound the same at all, to me.
The translations in this article are probably worse than the naming of this burger.
First of all. “Shou ga” is a double reference to 1: jinger which is

How is yaki pronounced yucky? Those are two different vowels... freaking morons...

Nasty but not so deadly:

Fuck you Fahey, I don’t care about spoilers cause I’ve already completed it, but from the title and the Facebook description is already clear, to anyone that know Taro, what’s this about.

I like when people say things like “as an adult with a job.” What does that mean exactly? What are you implying?

I have a full-time and a part-time job. Sometimes the part-time job grows into full-time work for a week or two at a time. I do a myriad of other things, as well. Yet I still find time to play games,

Launch sales in japan are non-news. Anything that’s not microsoft pretty much sells out at launch in japan.

Looks good but the problem with Japanese movie adaptations of anime (and mainstream movies in general) is not the likeness of the characters, it’s the talent in acting that most Japanese “actors” lack because they’re simply not professionals.

Oh the “warchest” argument. Which is completely irrelevant to the discussion of them being successful or not. Nintendo is a publicly traded company. Publicly traded companies are successful or not depending on how much money they make for their shareholders which is based on profit, not money held by the company.

I think you’re being disingenuous when you say that Nintendo will be lost among all the 3rd-party developers. They are a high quality and storied game company with consistently strong titles with genre defining design. They’ll be fine.

“You also assume that everyone is buying a switch just to play Zelda, with no real proof to back that up.”

you are clearly in the honeymoon stage of culture shock. Wait till that runs out.

Nintendo fans are on par with Trump fans which are on par with a goddamn cult.

Nothing about the new zelda looks great. Same ole open world crap with a zelda skin. Zelda fanboys tend to be blinded to the truth.

The game is getting praise for things that other open world games have already done and usually get bashed over, but because it’s Zelda it’s somehow new and invigorating.

I’d read the article he’d write about that.

If the article at least had said, “he tensed up and screamed a whole lot” while channeling his inner Vegeta but it doesn’t even say that.
But I guess his inner Vegeta is just being a prince who’s sad he isn’t the strongest in the universe? How did that save him from the bees?

No. Seeing a google definition does not define what censorship or anything else means in the real world. Especially in Japan. A definition is only as good as the law’s interpretation of it. Not your interpretation. The law’s. I mentioned I’m an attorney, didn’t I? Doesn’t matter. That Platinum chose, chose, to release

Look, mate. No one told Platinum to make the changes. You can send me definition links all night but it’s never censorship until someone says no, we can’t have that. If I’m confused as you say, and I’m an attorney in Japan by the way, then not being able to whip my dick out in a supermarket because of imposed moral