
The name of this meme is called “drink x hamburger” (ハンバーガーxドリンク or hanbaagaa x dorinku)

I was being sarcastic. I don’t get most of these stupid internet memes and trends and I despise them with a passion.

I know emotions can be hard to read over the internet, but I’m not furious.

I mean - Nintendo would still be to blame. You didn’t hire the factory to make your product. They did. They sold you it. They are responsible when there is an issue with their product.

You hire a company to make a piece. It comes out a piece of shit. You sell a person said piece of shit. Who’s fault is it, really?

There is no reason whatsoever why the it should matter why or how the hardware sold was broken, you’re selling broken hardware. I don’t get how re-branding your mistake should lead to different consumer right. I would never accept such a boorish makeshift repair, let alone on a brand new item. Replace or refund, even

Is it THAT unlikely that the part of the Joycon that was supposed to protect the antenna from interference, in one batch of Joycons, wasn’t working properly because of a manufacturing variation?

And?...that’s a lie? They are claiming its a manufacturing issue when it is not.

The point is this is a design issue not a manufacturing issue. If you’re not replacing something from the manufacturer within the controller, but adding something that was never there...thats a flaw in the design.

Nintendo : “There’s no design issue, just the way the controller is designed it doesn’t always work. If you send it to us we will add something to the design that should have always been a part of the design.”

In other words, they were sold a defective product. I’d be trying to get my money back, or at least an exchange if I were these people.

Sweet! Nintendo Switch Variants! They continue to find ways to innovate!

Time to hit up eBay with my low production run variant Switch, cause daddy needs to get PAID!

Basically in short:

Sorry dude, you’re still not any more famous, you’re a pro gamer.

Yeah, I was gonna say, statistically speaking, there’s probably a good chance any random person in Japan has some sort of Ninja in their family tree.

I’m descended from a long line of sheetrock repairmen and factory workers. Bow before my skills with the drill.

Breaking news-Asian dude descended from another Asian dude who swang a sword and kicked people while wearing pajamas... Wow, what a shocker? Thanks BuzzFeed news!

In other news; water is wet?

Why is this news.

Here is anyone giving a shit. *crickets*