
I hope you’re happy with your life reposting other people’s junk for a living.

Mate. Ireland is not part of Britain.

Harajuku is not a street. It’s an area.

This is sad.

Ashcraft. You live in Japan. Have done for a long time. You couldn’t walk down the street to a Lotteria, take your own photos and try the burger yourself? Maybe even tell us how it tastes? 100% of your output on Kotaku is copy-pasted from other sources. Couldn’t you get out and do a thing every now and again? I’m not

This is garbage. How else would you expect it to be disassembled?

So your gaming life realizations after having kids is basically what those without kids already know?


Here’s a new gimmick - Now, if you spent just half as much time on the content.

Nothing in this article you couldn’t find on Wikipedia. Or already know from just knowing things. And you should know this Ashcraft - there is in Japan a clear distinction between fashion tattoos and traditional irezumi. You call everything in this article a tattoo. Those deep in it, wouldn’t. But please buy my book

Ashcraft, you’ve been living in Japan since 200-something and you need Korean “tipster Sang” to do your work for you and tell you about an old video from an eccentric tea farm that is less than an hour away from your Osaka home? Are you 800 lbs and limbless?

When did we start calling game shows reality TV? Family Feud is reality TV then?

Thanks. The one sane person on the Internet.

You’re awesome!

And a very nice day to you my friend.

Ashcraft, are you kidding me? A kid says a thing and you write about it? And you earn a living from this? If I told you I was good at the sex because I was channeling a combination of Sting and Xavier McDaniel, would you put it on Kotaku? Probably.

Not a single photo looks Photoshopped. What are on about, you clickbait monster?

No. Seeing a google definition does not define what censorship or anything else means in the real world. Especially in Japan. A definition is only as good as the law’s interpretation of it. Not your interpretation. The law’s. I mentioned I’m an attorney, didn’t I? Doesn’t matter. That Platinum chose, chose, to release

Look, mate. No one told Platinum to make the changes. You can send me definition links all night but it’s never censorship until someone says no, we can’t have that. If I’m confused as you say, and I’m an attorney in Japan by the way, then not being able to whip my dick out in a supermarket because of imposed moral

Why are you reposting a three year old post about kids’ backpacks? Are we going to read about Trapper Keepers next? Leave the house and do some journalisming.