
What are you talking about? They’re strict and unreasonable on both violence and nudity.

The criticism strictly comes from a place of love for Nintendo. I want this thing to do well.

It’s almost like they’re humans with emotions or something.

This is a post plucked from an article written for the purpose of advertisement so it’s not surprising that it’s quality is that of a junior high school essay.

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

So someone is cosplaying as Handsome Jack cosplaying as Archer?


wow that comment alone lets me know you know nothing. you can have a smooth 30 frames just like you can have a smooth 60 or smooth 45. If it doesnt dip in frames then its smooth. get the fuck outta town.

There will be a tiny subset of the game’s player base who beat it without any help. And those people will largely be the kinds of people who are very skilled at these kinds of games, and weren’t going to use co-op anyway. And then those people can help someone else, and those people who received help can turn around

The soda one does not appear to have any appreciable goal. Do you lose if the Soda explodes on you? I may get a lot of hate for this since this outlet and its readers seem to be excited for this game, but it looks pretty lame for anything other than a packed-in tech demo for the HD rumble...

Actually, he was very bad. As in, should have gone to prison bad. Luckily, Conrad Bain took him out before Arnold and Dudley were physically harmed.

Fuck you screaming for? I need a video game playing machine too, but i also need to know if it will play them well online and offline

Hello! Narelle and I wrote it together. Was pleasantly surprised this morning to see it reposted=)

If I wasn’t “cool beating my head against a bastard of a fight,” I wouldn’t have everything from Demon Souls to Bloodborne. The only one I’ve finished is Demon Souls but I’ve found all of them “possible to advance in” with some work and a clear head. My fingers aren’t as fast as they used to be as I’m 60 but I’m

I don’t mean to take away from this, but do you just not buy anything that doesn’t feature a white 40 year old father and his son in the commercial? lol

Whose dreams ?

Heather, with all due respect - I really like your articles, the one above included - but have you considered the possibility that this very sense of invasiveness, this “uncomfortable” feeling, is the meaning/message here? That the game is able to show the emotional struggle of a trans person precisely because it

Freaky Friday didn’t win an Oscar either and seeing how this is just an anime rip off of the most cliche Sci-fi trope that exists, I don’t see why it deserves one. It certainly isn’t spirited away. It may be better than the average body switch film but let’s not get carried away.

“Your Name got a one-week theatrical run in Los Angeles last December to qualify for this year’s Oscars.”

So box office informs academy awards now? Come on. As far as film making goes, this film was enjoyable but nothing to rant and rave about.