
Cause it is not a simulator?

You don’t say?

I don’t think they’re bad at the game so much as the game is bad at letting someone be good at it (due to intentionally shoddy controls).

It’s only $60, like any other AAA title that comes out. This isn’t news.

The flight pass is old, from August.

Games still arent considered mainstream. Im 36, i know a lot of people who played games as kids, into highschool, even their early 20s, but less and less people in their mid 30s who do. I definitely know those who do, but I work in a profession where bringing up video games as a hobby is looked down upon. I work

Yeah, I was surprised at how negative the tone of this article was. The couple times I’ve seen the bit it was pretty funny, and did not come off as something that was trying to make people feel bad for liking video games.

This is really as simple as can be and I’m surprised more people don’t see it.

Do you know how big Micheal Jackson was in Japan?

its probably because shes cute and looks underage. Japan is a culture of pedophilia man.

lol.. guess you weren’t around in Tokyo during the Boy George / Culture Club years.

Every weekend they are blasting music from whatever artist they need to promote at HMV along with the ad cars towing mobile billboards for said artist blasting music non-stop around Shibuya, it’s highly annoying.

Hi. I live in Japan. I don’t live in Tokyo but I go there often.

It’s because she’s hot. There is no real secret or special reason. Japanese men like her because she is hot. That is why Japanese like any female western celebrity. It is no different to you. It just happens to be more exotic for us.

Weird? It’s a stereotype! It’s not that uncommon for Japan to fawn over foreign celebrities they happen to get in touch with.

Welcome to our current PC culture, filled with SJWs with far too much time on their hands. Not everything has to be an issue, some things can genuinely just be, or at least that’s what you’d hope. But then someone has to look at it and say, “Nope, I have a problem with this, and you should too, and if you don’t,

Agreed. I am personally getting sick of all of this crap. If you want to make a game about Peach saving Mario just do it! But don’t try to shove your ideals down the rest of our throats and make people feel bad for making something just because it does not meet your personal beliefs. I think people are reading way to

Or it’s just a game and it’s designed for simplicity and this serves as a goal for the player to strive for. To save Mario’s love interest. It doesn’t need to be any deeper than that. Also while we’re on the point it’s just a game and people need to stop getting offended/upset over stupid shit.

Agreed. Not to mention Suellentrop keeps asking that this kind of material not be forced on his daughter. Nobody is forcing anything. He downloaded a game with a well established history of a captured princess motif and is somehow appalled by it in Mario run.

Well, I mean they announced they were going to do it to An Overwatch Character. It would have been a lot more natural if they hadn’t stated their goal was to have a LGBT character in the story, then it could have just happened