
He just means he can’t wait until society gets past seeing peoples color and assuming things about them. Like actually treating people based on their actions, and not the color of their skin.

Race exists just as much as Santa does and you know that. As soon as you stop believing in it, it goes away. The same goes for sexism, ageism, and any other discrimination the media tells us exists.

As a historian I feel like it needs to be mentioned that the majority of reviewers only focus on the pointlessness of the war, which is a perspective that is very prevalent in Western Europe where the war indeed did not result in meaningful gains and the the reasons behind it were rather obscure and hard to relate to

Who’d you like to see us cover more?

The only thing I can think about sony right now, is how crappy their customer service and playstation store are right now. I can’t seem to purchase anything because the system keeps giving errors about the credit card and paypal payments. And I’m not the only one with the problem. Seems to go back to half a decade,

Was there really a need to post four box art images to get your point across?

I think if photos are going to be promoted on Kotaku they should at least adhere to basic rules of photography including proper exposure and focus.

You really should think about educating yourself more on world affairs if you think this is some obscure American sensitivity.

It’s not a river.... it’s a canal...

Does a post about the posts you’re going to make count as a post for monetary purposes?

You’re being incredibly condescending to your reader and I don’t appreciate it. Sure he’s being fairly critical, but that’s no reason to come back swinging and imply he “doesn’t know a lot” about just because he disagrees with you.

How can I agree with anything in a purely subjective article? If horror is subjective, then so is your argument.

Congratulations- you made a rebuttal to the article that’s better than the article itself. Bravo. :)

I think you need to remove your nose from Stephen King’s ass bro. Oh and also your edgy “everything i say is fact” nonsense just comes off as “i would totally break your nose if i met you” ya know? Your articles suck, and i’m right because i totally would break your nose in real life if i met you <- Fact


I am so confident that this is just the typical expired gawker/ kotaku attention post that I can’t help but state the fact that first person only has a SINGLE place; in first person games. You can’t just blanket all games under the PoV that just doesn’t work outside games where that is the only option.

I totally disagree, i played plenty of horror games of both kinds and weaponless ones are far scarier amd much more tense.

“neither of those games are ME” - fixed

Somewhat disagree, the two scariest games of all time (P.T. and Amnesia: The Dark Descent) have zero weapons, and in some way I agree with the fact that Alien:Isolation handles fear much better when you do have a weapon, but I think the defining point is when they then take away the weapons you relied on so much (I

Hmm, I’m definitely firmly in the camp that for a game to be truly scary (for me, at least) there needs to be zero weapons (or at least very very few). Amnesia is one of my favorite games ever and one of the few that truly scares me. Outlast too. Looking forward to Soma but the reviews have been pretty mixed so I