
Ironic that all the people replying to this are talking about not understanding sarcasm.

Pot calling kettle black.

Not a very good joke when the commercial is just... a commercial. Like... why would you even make that joke about shampoo? It’d be more relevant to say something like “Wow, using this hair makes it anime-shiny,” Or whatever. It wasn’t well constructed. It wasn’t relevant.

I take it straight. Like my whiskey. Which coincidentally tastes like piss.

Taking the piss? There was no piss in the commercial to begin with. For your sake, I hope you know the difference between the existence and non-existence of something.

Is it a basket that looks like this?

You know what’s the real menace on the road that nobody wants to call attention to?

Its almost like car accidents didn’t occur before Pokémon GO if headlines are to be believed...

These posts are crrrrrrrrrrringe.

Why do we still care about what the Japanese are playing?

I have a feeling they’re gonna overdo it with every iconic character that was ever created in Japan.

Rofl because that character is instantly recognizable around the world....

“Very realistic”

But the constant articles about No Man’s Sky are? K,

The tag line for this site is “The Gamer’s Guide” yet as Gamescom is going on the only thing this site has covered, a term used loosely for what the article was actually about, from it is Metal Gear: Survive. Pretty sad.

SO I meant new as in fairly recent. The page of tons of twitter posts isn’t a years old thing. And yes, I have an opinion. I’m sorry I offended you with it but people can have them and express them. I didn’t “demand” shit. Where did I do this? Did I offer an ultimatum? I just stated how I feel about the articles. I am

This is the new Kotaku. Post an “article” with 457 Twitter posts and sit back and laugh as people click on it and every time they think they reach the end it loads 367 more images.

Um, yeah. Faster and easier. What kind of phone do you have were you have to pray it can handle taking a picture of a piece of paper? And what scanner requires twice the work of a fax to fire up? As for absolutely unreliable email accounts, they are better than the big pile of unsorted paper next to the unmanned fax

No. There is no justification for fax machines in today’s world. Is has nothing to do with handwriting or anything else. You can send a picture message of handwriting on a piece of paper significantly faster and easier than using a fax. This is just Japan being anachronistic for the sake of it.

On to the more pressing issue...

Not a lot of that there video game news at the moment, is there?