
Remove Pokemon Go from the situation, and the title turns into: “There are slobs in Japan who are are dirtying public spaces.”

Alternatively, let’s write an article about how kotaku journalists create prejudiced articles with clickbait titles and hate/shame groups of people.

I’ve got the title for you: “Some kotaku writers have no shame”

No, no. Let me fix this stupid title for you:


It was supposed to be paintballer move, but autocorrect is a bitch. (That’s right! I said it. Correct that, bitch!)

Most normal people don’t fucking say “asian guy” either. It’s just “guy.”

So, because someone disagrees with you and doesn’t share your penchant for a romanticized Japan and bad tourist trap stock photos, they are a racist? I really hope you’re a child so there’s an excuse for you being so dim.

This is a great picture. Nice to see the world outside of Japan sometimes.

Oh great- another generic Rhode Island picture.

fuck em! There are plenty of hours in the day to have fun. And there are thousands of people in those apartment buildings trying to get sleep before work/school.

another article I’m reading on here is full of counterexamples. But I’d rather go to a bath with Yaks then with a bunch of spiteful, backwards weiners anyway.

most tattooed people i know are in their 40 or older and none yet regret anything, big pieces or small, nerdy motifs or abstract ones.

I installed it to give it a go yesterday, since I enjoyed Ingress (although that lost its luster at some point) and was monkeying around with it while walking my dog. I admit when it sent me to a playground, I put my phone in my pocket as I realized what it looked like, as a slightly hungover tattooed late 30's dude

I am 45 years old and addicted. I saw other people playing this weekend. We gave each other the “yeah we know” nod, but I don’t want to be the creepy old guy in the group. I am going to use it more for hanging with my kids and my girlfriends kids. Its geocaching, anime style!

It won’t last long. After spending a couple hours with the game I’m already done with it. I have better games on my Vita to play.


Bukkake just means like “splashed” or “covered” in Japanese; it’s a preparation of ramen for example. And there’s a near fullsize catbus at the Ghibli store in Hong Kong too.

I love hearing Miyazaki’s thoughts, it figures that he loves imagining while reading books!

Agreed. Miyazaki himself said (I believe it was in a Game Informer interview) that he wouldn’t mind if members of his team asked him—in a few years—if they could do another Souls game.

I didn’t have the same concerns with DS 2 that some members of the community did; I really enjoyed it, though it did seem to be

I really enjoyed this interview and write-up, Patrick; thanks for not only taking the time to do it, but structuring it in a way that allowed Miyazaki to articulate himself (as fully as he ever does in terms of his projects; I don’t mean anything about his language skills here, but rather his tendency toward secrecy)