
I’m talking about all of it. You’re comments are embellished. Your statements are wrong. Don’t be a Japan fanboy. I had a longer comment for you but my phone pooped out on me. In short, don’t use “always” when you mean “in my limited experience”.

But its JAPAN. Every gamer should unconditionally love everything Japan, didn’t you know?

Nothing to with gaming, but at least it's bright and colourful.

What are you talking about? Japan’s trains are just as bad as anywhere else. Most of the trains don’t even get cleaned everyday. At most they clean the seats but pay jo mind to the spiders and squashed bugs and boogers on the windows.

just in case you don’t know, you can buy these online.

Wow really??? London is a godsend compared to NYC. I enjoyed immensely my time in London on the subway vs any day I have to use a subway to get around NYC.

I know I’m going to get a lot of crap for using this comment section to stand on my soapbox here, but please do not buy those Dragon Balls. They are bootleg. Your money does not go to Toriyama, Shuiesha, Toei, Bird Studio, nor anyone else involved with DB. You know who your money goes to when you buy bootlegs?

At risk of igniting the ire of many an amateur photographer, is it really appropriate to say, “by so-and-so” when posting a photograph? I get that photography is a respected art form, but a photographer isn’t actually making something; they are capturing it. And in this case, they took a picture of a product that

I’m sure those station attendants aren’t so thrilled by the idea...

I’m starting to feel like there’s literally no point to me ever commenting on kotaku. I get it, you guys are trying to weed out spammers and trollers but I’m neither, and I never get published no matter how much thought, perspective, or comedic value my comments have.

I’ve seen these exact dragon balls in a mall before a few years ago. These aren’t exclusive to the con.

Oh, good, I’m not the only person who read that and thought, “Bullshit!”

A mistraslation, perhaps? I find it a bit hard to believe, as the Super Famicon was released three months earlier than the arcade version of SFII, and obviously the controller had to be designed much earlier than that. It would require for Capcom to reveal their upcoming project to Nintendo very early in it’s

I’ve learned not to expect good photos from these posts but I didn’t think there would be Wikipedia inspired content

Japan!!! Of course. Why wouldn't it be. Nice metal railing sticking out at the bottom of the pic.

(I think he means the Mori Building. There’s no “Roppongi Tower.”)

? A lot of skyscrapers have observation decks.

I’d love to know this as well. I’ve got photos from all across the globe which I think would fit what “gamers might find interesting”, but am reluctant to submit as I don’t know if they’d get through (...unless I submitted some of my Japan photos...).

Hi Brian, could you respond as to why you almost exclusively feature photos from Japan? Would love to know if I am submitting my photos from beautiful places like Sweden entirely in vain! I even try to include a description of why “gamers might find it interesting”, as your description of this feature advertises.

The tuna they sell has been frozen though: