
No. It’s just a photo of a restaurant. A normal regular restaurant in Itaewon. Not any different from anything on the street around the corner and no more special than the local family restaurant wherever you live. It's just a building. Not historic. Not related to games. The only reason it was posted is because it's

Itaewon had a reputation when I lived in South Korea, probably still does.

I always enjoyed my carousing Seoul. It’s a good city for it. Just remember to give the first bottle of Soju time to kick in before starting the second or you’ll wake up in Busan and won’t remember your night at all.

And I personally won’t complain about the quality of the pics because perhaps you are limited by the submissions. And I have no idea how many submissions you get. I enjoy photography and understand people have different tastes (and sometimes photos are just simply bad...). But, I do find it very hard to believe you

Very well said. Couldn’t have said it better. And as I have commented previously, I find it unfortunate that there is no dialogue or explanation as to why the posts consistently contradict the feature’s description.

Baby steps I guess. It’s not in Japan like the last 10 photos.

This has been somewhat of a daily ritual for me. Wake up, check out Kotaku. Look for Brian’s JPGs post. Is it Japanese? OF COURSE. Did MasterKontender and MxGxPx post about it? YES. Does Brian listen? Find out tomorrow...

We tried.

I feel you’re missing my point. I’m not even addressing the photographer of this or other pictures. I’m addressing the person who judged this to be of a sufficient quality to post. Ashcraft is an editor, someone who is chiefly tasked with separating the wheat from the chaff.

It could always be better, I’ll agree with that - I’ll admit that I don’t visit many websites, so while I’m aware that a lot of things on the internet are recycled, I usually only see it here. That may be why I don’t have as big of a problem as others.

I don’t think it’s hating to say that it’s and uninteresting photo. It’s not a good composition either, and the effect was added afterwards, which has drowned out a lot of the contrast in the photo.

Weasl, why are you such an apologist? Some people are not satisfied with the quality or content of these posts and they want to voice their opinion. And you get so defensive each time. Especially with the last few messages.

please bro, don’t tell me what’s ‘cool’. I’m glad you enjoy all the pics automatically, I really do. I love Japan and have spent some time there, it’s a truly magical place. That said, the quality of these pics is dropping and they shouldn’t get automatically posted because they are user submitted.

If you like photos of telephone wires and intersections then kudos to you. I’m glad you can enjoy such things. But I don’t. I like Japan. So I want to see pictures of the real Japan with context and insight. I want to see photos that reflect what Japan actually is and especially what Japan means to gaming.

Damn man get over it. If you don’t like it get the hell out of here. JPGs is primarily about pictures of Japan for the people who like that sort of thing. You don’t.

Clash of Clans, Clash of the titans is a Movie ^_^