
Do you and Norelle own stock in unfunny intentional redactions? Do you giggle amongst yourselves when you cross out words, what you wrote, when the backspace key would work? It’s in the top right. Find it. Does the business.

The above really has nothing to do with No Man’s Sky does it? The lead for all your articles should just read, I Love JRPGs.

I’m perplexed by the trend of intentional redaction in articles these days. It's unfunny, looks slapdash, and is well overused. Hit backspace.

Great. This photo is far better than the other four identical photos of the exact same place doing the exact same thing you’ve posted recently. Really nailed it this time.

Akira did not predict the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Much the same way A Trip to the Moon did not predict the US lunar landing. It’s a setting, in a story. Writer’s imagination. Unlike anything found in this three year old rehash.

There is no competition, and no country is better. Japan is the unrivaled king of...

I’m guessing Ashcraft didn't get the memo on improving quality on Kotaku because he was too busy stealing from other people's tweets.

Thanks for sharing something we've all known since 1987.

A repost of a 4 year old article with no new information about something that is already common knowledge? Slow day on twitter, Brian?

Mad Capsule Market. Opportunity wasted.

So you're saying it’s irony to call people racists for criticising photos? You’re worse than Alannis Morissette.

Nah, mate. I’m far higher up in that sh*t. That said, I can’t post those photos.

I agree. But casual racism is NOT the sole property of negative stereotyping. The Chinkees song “Don’t Sit Next to Me Just Because I’m Asian” says it all.

Look ma! I’m on JPGs!

This “news” is very misleading. And just plain lazy. There are MANY neko buses all over Japan for both kids and adults.

No good reason? I live here. Japolyte.

Because you’ve never experienced that.

Look, son. Don’t tell me what to think. I’ve both lived and been to those places, and neither are inferior to Japan’s public transport. They’re different. Japan always gets a free bye on these Ashcraft Japanophile love fests because (well... JAPAN) in a small country everything is near, so 3-day tourists trumpet how

Another repost of an old article. Slow day on twitter, mate?

Foot Fighters. Bless. And you’re an “editor”? Who’s editing you? I reckon I’m older than you Brian, mate. No harm, no foul. But where I come from, that’s a day’s wage docked, straight in the Embarrassment Jar. Not surprised though. Your eyes are trained so tight on all things Japan that this doesn’t even chime a bell