
Tokyo has buildings. And lights. And nighttime. We get it. Can we graduate now?

Enough with the blind Japan worship on this website.

Good photographs, yes. Poor photographs, no. So basically everything on JPGs.

What’s the point of this photo? It’s literally the first thing that pops up on Amazon.

Every day, shrines, temples and monks. On a gaming website. How about churches and priests? Didn't think so. Because it's not Japanese.

Brian, if it were Japanese, I’m sure you’d have something nice to say about it.

Nothing against the photo. But I’d like to know the reasoning behind featuring an old photo from April in July? It’s like seeing your friend’s Facebook beach pics in winter. There are photos that are timeless, and those that are not. To be seeing sakura in summer, it just makes you wonder why?

Lazy of the photographer. Even lazier of the editor. Here’s mine: 22.15 Hakata JPN

Fuji-san in Yamanashi. That’s twice in under a week. The world of wherever gamers might find interesting narrows by the day.

You know what buddy? Since Ashcraft will never address the reader comments questioning the relevance of the irrelevant Japan-only content found on JPGs, why not upload your photos here?

Yes, it is. The Itaewon part. Not the brilliant part.

Sigh. Are you you even reading the comments on here?

Are you Bizarro Superman? In what world does constructive criticism result in lesser quality? The punters, Ashcraft included, should take due note and up their game.

No, mate. I don’t hate myself. You said it yourself, “some people like it, some people don’t.” I don’t like it. You do. Even Steven. So why the boiled piss?

Brian, mate. I’m really trying to understand the reasoning behind featuring this photo on Kotaku. I really am.

Buy this man a beer.
