
You are way over the edge, mate. You personally don’t like it, then let it go. Same said people may not like your looks, but you’re not getting any discriminatory grief. And to say people should be denied jobs outright for having ink? Look, there’s a time and there’s a place. But to deny all people of work because of

Yeah, congratulations. And San Francisco is a beautiful city in Northern California. I used to live there and had sunrises/sunsets everyday. And nearby is Golden Gate Park which has stunning nature and hobos.

A whole page of other people's tweets, untranslated even? Show some restraint, mate.

A photo of a platform. A PLATFORM! Is that the only relevance to a game-oriented website? Gets worse every day.

Easy. First thing I did: dooshbag

Brian, mate. You’ve just described the typical any opening of anything in Japan. It’s nothing to do with Pokemon, and more to do with the culture of queing for new in Japan. There’s a 2-3 hour wait for the new bakery at my station. Sells identikit melon pan and sausage rolls just like the shop a door down. Stop with

Right, mate. Your daily dose of Ashcraft “What I saw on the Internet” nonsense.

That’s cool. Haven’t played The Witcher myself, so I wouldn’t have caught the possible connection without your insight. Yet therein lies my point: With your single comment, you’ve essentially done Brian Ashcraft’s job for him. If this scene is the spitting image of Velen, then that’s rad. And if this is in fact the

JPGs is a photo peek into wherever gamers might find interesting.”

Photo spam and shameless book plug.

This is getting beyond ridiculous. Surely there is a shrine fettishism website more deserving of these daily offerings?

Another shrine. Every damn day.

Really? This photo looks like a misfire.

FYI, they're not samurai. They're garbage collectors.

Yet another shrine/temple photo? You must be taking the piss. Mate, you are the Internet’s No. 1 flogger of Japanese stereotypes. The typical daily dose of JPEG goes thusly: shrine, shrine, temple, mountain, shrine, shrine, HDR temple, train track, shrine, HDR shrine, temple, donuts. Brian, you’ve lived here a long

That’s a lot of photos. Not as many as the 25 of Kumamon in Osaka, but still a lot. And not a single one of them yours. Do you never leave the house to do actual journalism? Seriously, what is the purpose of you? Stick to twitter mate.

You shared a photo. Is that it? Better left on Twitter. Not on Kotaku.

Oi! Brian. You just now found Wikipedia? GTF mate. By the way, historians have established that vinegared rice with fish originated in Thailand and worked its way up. Unless you have better research?It may not have been the same shape or size as nigirizushi, but anyone who tries to make it at home will tell you it

If The Rentals were Japanese. And the singer a eunuch. And sh*te. Thanks Brian. All the great music in Japan to choose from and share, and we get this. Daily. Art may be subjective, but your taste is simply sub. Well played my son. You need to make cooler friends mate.

A gummy, lo-res night view. Never seen that before. So many great things to see in Japan, and this is the pick of the kitty litter.