
Well, Brian, what do YOU think?

I geniunely feel like Brian Ashcraft deserves a caning for posting this dross with all true seriousness and making a career of it. How many times can a journalist ever really waste our time in their work and earn money? Not very many I’m guessing.

Awful cover. Like having a non-alcohol when you could have the beer. Why share this garbage?

Brian Ashcraft: FBI Most Wanted for Japan stereotype perpetration. GTF

Brian, did you interview Mizuki? No. Then why copy/paste someone else’s work? Career plagiarist.

Another f*****g photo of a train track? Every blimey day, shrines, train tracks and donuts. This is a waste of Internet.

That a grown man is posting cat photos for his career is everything that is wrong with the world.

Argument is moot? No. Why submit a bog standard photo of mountains to a predominantly gaming website such as Kotaku? Nice photo, mate. Even nicer kept on your camera roll. Not your fault though. Ashcraft bigged it up. Cheers to you though, it wasn't a photo of donuts.

I can’t be the only one who has noticed that Brian Ashcraft never does any journalism. Rather, he simply copy/ pastes what he read on the Internet sans original content. News flash Brian: We have Internet, too.

Is this a shrine fettishism website? Every damn day man.

A bog-standard photo of flippin’ mountains? How is this of interest to anyone who visits Kotaku? Well, I reckon it’s at least an upgrade from your donut photos.

And another friggin’ shrine. In poor HDR no less. You're killing us.

Awful. This is why nobody who likes music, likes Japanese music.

“This was a difficult list to put together.”

Damn. A photo of a track. A track.

Another temple. Impressive. Could never Google search this.

Wowie zowie, another shrine! Never seen one of those before.

Thanks for announcing a movie that has, well, already been announced. See what you did there?

People have typed for miles since news of the Euro 16 DLC broke last night. Like most, I’m a wee disappointed 9 teams don’t get the full license treatment. But to be fair, I doubt these unlicensed 9 will be anything close to “phoney”.

Nice photo of a blur.