
if you throw a paperclip in the bed does it make a hole in the aluminum?

These models have major changes to the frame, engine and body design for the first time since pretty much 1999.

Who wants a black work truck? Especially as a fleet buyer.

Rio is in the same hemisphere so the water drains the same as in Australia.

And they’ll still be asking for the GDP of a small island nation for one with 250,000 miles. The diesel used market is pretty absurd right now.

if only that could somehow be harnessed and put to good use...

Did he try blowing on the disc before he inserted it?

That’s no way to go through life.

Shhh just crawl back into your safe space.

IMS bearing plagued the 997 too.

In your opinion, someone fires a gun into a crowd and just happens to miss. How should that be handled?

You shit on everyone’s suggestions and then come here and post this - fucking shocker.


Love this site but get so tired of snippy liberal comments. Can they hire an Anti Snippy Liberal Editor to strike pointless comments that annoy anyone that doesn’t want Hillary or Bernie? I just want to enjoy cars.

“Must bash fox somehow”

Blue Moon sucks ass.

Saving them from rust, by letting them sit out to rust? Also, what the heck is he doing with a DDT sprayer, isn’t that stuff banned?

A car you haven’t driven bores you?

How the hell do you know it’s “not that engaging” if you’ve never driven it?

In B4 the idiots complaining about it taking too long to come out despite having absolutely no means of or interest in buying one.