
no one cares about ev owners

Seems like crack price to me.

Spoken like a true sleeze DUI lawyer.

Amazing how this sack of shit was able to keep it hidden when everyone else’s arrests are fully public.  Can only imagine how much he got for the jeep commercial.

I was expecting a story about how it’s literally cracking....would seem about right.

No they can’t afford them either.

I’m curious how insurance would treat this.  Anyone know?

That’s in idiotic territory

Funny how she gives him some shitty his and her trinkets....I’m surprised the feminists haven’t decried this yet.

Imagine paying 50k for a truck with drum brakes.

never understood the price/appeal on these. yuppies have way too much money.

She won’t have much money if she thinks she needs to be continually “rewarded” for hard work!

The new front end looks sad :(

If the alternative set of wheels are the BBSs then I would rather have those anyways.

Amazing price, in CO this would be for sale for easily 20k+

How do you know it’s because of a mask?  Maybe it’s your shitty driving.

How are you employed here? 

What a retort, you really got me.

Curious if you denounced the looters and rioters burning down peoples businesses. You’re “peaceful protestors” says all it needs to say. LOL what a hypocrite that you focus on this stupid stuff.

Not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying the media runs with every other story with much less evidence and far sketchier sources (dossier, russian golden showers with trump and prostitutes, heck I even just read on yahoo news 2 days ago about theories about a Melania body double because someone on reddit or Twitter came