
... and only you.

Psst. That’s the flex pipe. The catalytic converter is on the other end. ;)

Nope, dynometer it is.

Trust nothing but an honest dynometer.

No shit. I hate it whenever Jalopnik posts an article condemning people for street racing or just driving fast on public roads. Everyone comes out with their pitchforks and screams for heads. Though this fool gets a pass every time.

This entire list could have been made of Fast and Furious movies, maybe just the first one. Like when the kid in the white Jetta in the first film shows up to the race wars thing with no brake calipers.....

so mazda downsizes their engine to a turbo-4 when all of the competition uses a v-6 and loses 40 hp in the process and you want me to accept this is ok because torque? cars this size deserve a v-6 and im a huge turbo 4 proponent in most other segments. the only silver lining in all of this is that mazda is in fact not

If your driver puts a wet umbrella back in there you fire his ass, then make sure his wife gets fired from her job too just out of spite.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling Seahawks fans to suck it.

Now there’s some nice, sensible riding footwear.

That is quite a Dahming piece of evidence, actually. If I were Rob, I would be doing a serious background check on the seller. Who the hell is going to know what a 4 rotor motor looks like in disassembled form? Anyone else would look at this and be like... industrial sewing machine...? VERY fishy.

You sure do live up to your name...

the sti’s hold their value insanely well, what are you talking about???

For fuck sake, Dvorsky...

Your detailed knowledge of dildos is impressive.

I can’t find his name off hand, but I assume you’re talking about the head referee.

But was it owned by John Voight?