
He should play basketball professionally.

Welcome to Costco. I love you.

Thank God.

The Jetsiest thing to happen so far this year to the Jets.

“Freedom beats Communism.” - The Taylor Swift of boxing.

Every park every night. Shouldn’t be a prob.

I don’t care what you guys say, the hashtag #Windians is #Winning.

No, Bill then Hillary.

This guy looks like he drinks a lot of milk. A LOT OF MILK.

Those scientists are just so happy!

This fish went out like a boss.

All ads must be at least as long as the actual video. -

He’s good. He should play baseball for a living.

My condolences to Chris Paul's family.

Hey, if deploying your extra-large ass with abandon and occasional malice is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Does anybody know how to post videos to Facebook?

Don't believe the hype. It's a conspiracy and circlegirl is just a tool of Big Westie.