
You keep talking about “something” that happened 6 years ago. Why don’t you say what the something was? Instead of “he should get to play...6 years ago this happened” how about: “he should get to play...6 years ago he molested that child for the last time.” Harder to type, no?

He should probably be in prison still. Do you have kids?

Base, tribal instincts.

Nope. It’s the “not real” thing.

You do realize that a passenger on a high-speed train doesn’t have to have all the training of the engineer, right?

Jesus Christ, dude.

Well, this post is OK with me.


“Johnson’s fine was the same as the fine Renaldo Balkman earned from the PBA for choking a teammate out three years ago.”



“Human history, it seems, has been intertwined with that of our planet for a very long time.”

The problem with this article is it doesn’t call out the people who actually make and approve these decisions. If we talked about the human beings in charge of these decisions rather than just using “Fox”, we would get a lot further. Name the misogynists if you know who they are. Public shaming can work wonders.

It really paints a picture doesn’t it?

+1 for the left side. -1 for the right side.

Not that I disagree with your conclusion, but if not capitalism, what system would allow Jane to start up her own ISP and compete against the government’s preferred solution?

I’m going to make a prediction right here: This Stephen Curry guy is going places.

Is this it?

I don’t want to blame it all on 9/11, but, well, it certainly didn’t help.

Also, the Pro Bowl should be completely replaced by skills competitions.