That squeal exists so blind people don’t step in front of one. Not sure if that feature had ever been utilized, but it makes sense. Perhaps it's a federal law.
That squeal exists so blind people don’t step in front of one. Not sure if that feature had ever been utilized, but it makes sense. Perhaps it's a federal law.
Yuuuuupp, the tenant was an elementary school teacher so it’s not like I moved in a bad person to begin with. Also, it was the tenant’s “boyfriend”.
Agreed, something tells me you’d lose a bit of power in your punch if you had to jump 12” just to reach the guy’s head.
Wow, what a building! I wonder if this site reports non-consensual sodomy.
Yes, yes I am. I have too much faith in Mou and the players... I can’t find it in me to blame anyone.
Ugh, this is one of those bits of unnecessary bits of information that does more harm than good.
So do the creators have to prove they’ve beaten it before it’s considered? Otherwise, I could create the hardest level ever in 60 seconds.
Steam streaming box next month on top of this? I will own the living room.
They may have trumped that with the woodgrain paneling on the doors.
Who did the podcast not too long ago about those balloon bombs in WW2. I will never forget that story... It still blows my mind today that a few actually made it over here and managed to slaughter a family.
Good ole Deming
Shut your god damn TLDR
I recall learning what “degloving” meant from a friend who was working in the E.R.,but it was always in reference to arms and legs during motorcycle accidents. A face? Holy shit...
I remember when someone made a blackjack addon for WoW. It was perfect when you were waiting around during a raid.
“Adult” refers to maturity, not age.
or planing!
I thought it was called a Delands Deck
I feel like this discovery could lead to additional investigations of other manufacturers. You may be more correct than you know.
You do realize that something like 20 models across all brands sold in the US are manufactured in Mexico right? Cheaper labor =/= low quality labor. Hell, I would trust the work ethic of a Mexican automaker over that of a unionized US automaker any day.
I much prefer this variation (; it’s ridiculously fun to play! On top of the stupid amount of damage you get some very entertaining sounds and visuals. The non-stop explosions send shit flying all over the screen. The key is to keep teleporting, and spamming arcane strike and blast. If you run…