
I agree that the timing they chose was a bit unorthodox and maybe not the most efficient, but I still have a hard time standing up for the “victims” when I know from past experiences with LoL how awful they are to play with.

“The Code of Conduct is not meant to be exhaustive, and Riot Games reserves the right to modify this Code of Conduct at any time, as well as take appropriate disciplinary measures including Account termination and deletion to protect the integrity and spirit of the Properties, regardless of whether a specific behavior

Between solo farming, causing a bit of havoc with my friends, and having some truly incomparable gaming moments I can definitely say I got my $60 worth. I quit playing months ago.

The biggest killer for me was when the “upcoming patch” emails I received stopped talking about new ideas and developments and started

4. Drifts into your lane

I thought it was officially announced that the IDX was scrapped.

You’re here, talking about it.

Do you even bluetooth?

Duh, Reverse, Park, Drive, and Nope.

I think they want to show Toyota up on the core model front first.

I would disagree with you, but I know they’ve told dealers that they’re bringing the Qashqai to the US which would fill a segment currently not occupied in the Nissan lineup. At that point I don’t see where this model would fit... I can only assume this will either be a sporty version of whatever Nissan USA will call

By replacing a niche vehicle with something designed for volume sales? You need to get your eyes checked. That being said, it will be sad if the Z is phased out entirely.

I imagine the carriers did this in an effort to cut their own losses. At least with the people I know, carrier shuffling was a common practice. Hell, they literally started creating incentives to bail on your current provider. I’m not sure how carriers paid for the subsidized hardware to begin with, but I feel like

“It’s impossible to tell”

Based on the context here, I see no reason any reader would have any clue his tweet was a joke unless they were regular fans of this guy.

Inexpensive, fuel efficient, fun to drive, unique.

That was purely a hype vehicle, zero intent for production.

Been driving a demo SR for the week. I got to give it to Nissan, they made a gorgeous interior. I’m not one to drive a sports car, nor would I call this one, but damn is it quick for such a large sedan. I personally enjoy everything about it other than whatever the hell happened to the roofline.

I agree, I know well educated people who don’t quite get basic finance. We tend to forget that our knowledge of history, a second language, and painting are useless with a 400 credit score and debt out the wazoo.

Do what now?

Why Quaalude when you can have PMS?