
I’ve attempted this to certain degrees with varying success. I found that it didn’t account for a few variables which made the task of populating the calendar a bit of a pain:

As a type 1 diabetic for 30 years, I’ll bet my entire net worth that this never sees the light of day as a legitimate substitute.

This will make for some entertaining conspiracy theories and/or a movie one day.

I get what’s being said here, but everyone should know better by now. Anything that can be flagged as hyperbole by one side of the “debate” will only serve to turn those people further from the facts. 

Just curious of your opinion. Compared to the current(past?) format which was likely controlled by corporate interests, investment firms, etc and/or a board of people living in a bubble - do you think Musk will make Twitter better, worse, or the same for society?

Fair argument. I’d argue that there are certainly more than a few alternatives (reddit?) that aren’t driven by ad revenue where anyone with money can push whatever agenda they want to the “news feeds” of entire populations with a few clicks.

Let's be honest, if Musk brings Twitter down in flames then humanity will be better off.

Came here for a Nickelback joke. Left disappointed.

Thanks - I’ve never had a word to describe it before this article. This is something I’ve always lived with and attributed it to my creative nature.

Plot twist. The virus came from the writers. They won't let the show die.

LeBron has a car.

Interesting. I admit, I don’t follow him enough to be know either way. You say “making excuses” like he’s tried and guilty. I was under the impression his show was a mishmash of people sharing opinions on literally everything. Is it common knowledge that he pushes specific agendas on his show? That alone would nullify

This whole scenario is so interesting to me. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s when the playful jab, “it came from the internet so it must be true” was used all the time. Somehow, that mentality completely vanished. Now, mentioning the possibility that something on the internet should be taken with a grain a salt

Correct. Sharing your good intentions related to corporate social responsibility can backfire in a public forum. Just sharing a bit of insight - possibly from experience XD.

Careful, someone may point out an interesting fact about another company you “support”.

Reason #387 to stay off social media.

Can’t tell if you’re a ManU fan, or just acting like one.

Mission accomplished imo. This story is getting a ton of attention which means a ton of people now know that they can be sued for trying to sell unauthorized copies of someone else's work. The amount is enough to scare your average person, but [hopefully] not enough to ruin their lives.

I’m starting to get the feeling that flight attendants, pilots and airline security/police are of the same species as these passengers that seemingly snap for no apparent reason (or don’t at all). It’s like something is stressing people out lately, but I can’t put my finger on it.

I’m starting to get the feeling that flight attendants, pilots and airline security/police are of the same species as these passengers that seemingly snap for no apparent reason (or don’t at all). It's like something is stressing people out lately, but I can't put my finger on it.