
I assume they will be getting banned for being even more toxic in a well controlled environment.

I’m curious... As an entrepreneur I work 60+ hours per week on a regular basis, but I can easily say that I enjoy my time at work as much as I would at home or on vacation. I’m clearly an outlier in studies like this, but if work and fun occur at the same time does it really count as 60 hours of work?

In the essence of gaining recognition as a legitimate sport, why shouldn’t you treat these players like athletes? Plenty of athletes have had medals, titles, etc stripped for violating the rules or nature of the game. If you choose not to abide by all those standards then you can enjoy unranked, or a lack of

90% of whose time? If they say something toxic once every 10 games per day, how many people have they offended who only play once or twice a day? The only reason I stopped playing LoL was from time constraints. I certainly would not want my one or two games to be spoiled by some brat.

  • I don’t follow, are you arguing that the rewards from acting like a decent human plus being highly skilled prevent toxic behavior? I could see it influencing some people, but wouldn’t your usual bans still come into play if you chose to be toxic?

I’m one of those gamers who rarely makes it through single-players games for reasons like that. XCOM was one of the few where I could not put it down... I got to the final mission, killed the boss(barely), and the cinematic froze up and I was forced to restart the entire PC. Thank god for YouTube so I could watch the

It actually has nothing to do with Xterra sales. Nissan had shifted to the pure growth model which means more core models and less niche vehicles. The plants are refitting the Xterra lines for the new Titan. As a two time Xterra owner I’m sad, but it makes business sense to me.

120k means something likely needs to be replaced. 145k means something is duct taped together under the hood.

I recently upgraded from 8GB to 16GB to alleviate the stress caused by all my work programs and a 6-10 browser windows open at once and it made a WORLD of a difference. Is Windows 10 that much better at handling resources compared to 7?

I guess if you’ve never capped out your 8GB then this article makes sense.

They failed to clean up the disastrous, molten nutella explosion off the front of the waffle iron... sneaky. Seeing how a waffle iron smashes half of what’s in it I’d say fill it on the light side.

“a reminder to grab milk from the grocery store as you pass it on the way home from work

Did you build your desk?

Lmao, the hand grab celebration. I know it’s for his kid, but we all think the same thing when he does it.

I look for a steak in my tongs

This always happens to me too. The Final Fantasy series has always done it the best in my opinion. The side quests were often multi-step, story driven, and had very unique rewards. Games like Witcher and Skyrim have tons of very shallow side quests with the same rewards so they often bore me out of the game despite

If they donate $1 of their monthly hunting club dues to a conservation club then they have done more for conservation than the millions of people writing in all CAPS on facebook. So there’s that.

Are you suggesting their coverage is equal to or better than Verizon’s? That would explain why all these people haven’t gone that route!

Good call

Just make sure you don’t jump ship to someone with sub-par reception. I’ve made that mistake once and now I’m happy paying higher prices for better service with Verizon.

Can’t wait to hear what the whipped cream package includes.