
Before everyone points fingers at who is screwing who, remember that plenty of consumers settle on a provider based on quality of reception. I’m in a city of ~500,000 and nothing comes close to Verizon. We got sick of low reception inside of buildings and our own home with AT&T. Sprint and T-Mobile aren’t even

“Tesla Dead Last in Dealer Experience”

Dealers have been asking the same thing for years. They would drop it too if customers would stop using it more than any other third party provider.


Some dealers prefer to sell one car for a $2000 profit. Others prefer 20 cars at $100/ea. So essentially... the larger the dealer, the better your chances of finding a volume store.

TrueCar is an industry wide bully. Yes, the dealer sets the price, but only because TrueCar has planted their hooks in every nook and cranny you can imagine. Only a few, very successful dealerships can afford to drop TrueCar completely simply due to the volume. What TrueCar ends up doing is forcing dealers to price

You forgot the part where they charge the dealer $399 even if they simply checked how much USAA would approve them for. Before long they’ll be charging dealers based on, “They subscribe to a magazine where we advertise.”

One “E” keypress from a sick BF2 video.

Yeaaaaah, I’m with you on this. I’ve really enjoyed the last few episodes, but I don’t really recall much from the first half of the season. I kept watching because True Detective.

“We have eyes all around.” - This made it a bit more believable to me.

I can see where you’re coming from. Yes, I have an English soccer team as my avatar, but I was born and raised in GA and only played as a kid. Being from the south, I also grew up with a lot of football. Just like most Americans don’t have a fucking clue what goes on in rugby (Why in god’s name did they just lift that

Can anyone tell if these guys are sticking to ball cam only? I keep it on 100% of the time, but I wonder if it’s easier to hit aerials in car car mode.

Be gone with that shit

If you want to be a true gaming hipster... Monster Truck Madness 64 (1998) had a soccer and hockey mode.

This game is sooooo good. I’m hooked because I can both grind out a higher rank while trying new things like aerial shots from time to time. I queue solo 99% of the time, but when I can get a buddy online my our win-rate is through the roof. Communication is the key to dominating.

If you’re just starting - learn the

Sales volume also comes into play for “financially feasible”. Excited bloggers =/= buyers.

Neither of these points should surprise you. I personally feel like his non-PC attitude IS refreshing, but it’s also the reason half the country hates him... the poor guy doesn’t get it. Your second point shouldn’t surprise you at all; just because your options are slim doesn’t mean you give up and change sides. I

My wife does this. I discovered it’s due to her sensitivity to the sound of things shutting. I acted early and put rubber pads on all our drawers and doors. If it's habitual then you're out of luck.

Correct. The best way to use the wall is to act like it’s ground. If the ball in on the side wall, approach it parallel to the ground and use the Forward+Jump flip to hit it as if you were on the ground. You have to train yourself to press the correct key combo because the angle of the camera will make you want to

I believe you can spam it, but I just plan to double-tap ‘jump’ as I land. I often give a little boost as I’m touching down for added speed. With no boost you should hit that “turbo boost effect” in ~3 jumps. If you can give a 1 second boost before starting you should only need to jump twice before you are traversing