
Ha! That leather armor is such a great example. I have furniture building, soldering, VBA, pc building, wiring a house with cat5, and sprinkler system installation on my vast list of "stuff the internet taught me".

I am regularly asked "where did you learn to do that?" throughout my workday. Learning to find info via the internet is such an incredible skill for our current generation. My wife and I have already agreed that our (future) children will learn at an early age. "I don't know" is losing its place in our vocabulary!

Yes! Just keep in mind it's never a place for immediate answers.

You know, I just got finished saying to myself this week (after traveling from the UK to the US) that airlines are such a great example of international cooperation. They all operate under the same rules and regulations without much issue. All for increased safety and efficiency.

Last I heard at a Nissan conference, yes!

I think the general public would agree that entitlement is something we could use less of. The "entitlement generation" is 100% derogatory. Nobody is proud of that title...are they?

Some of us avoid crying babies like the plague. Being trapped in a tin can for 6 hours with a screaming infant is as close to Hell as it gets. Some of us understand that both the parent and child are in a similar hell, but our life's biggest annoyance doesn't just disappear when we become more sensitive about it.

Ughh, I don't know why we rant and rave over our government and wall street when we can't even buy coffee at McDonalds or buy a video game system without finding a reason to sue/complain. Screw the "entitlement generation"... this is the "unaccountable generation". Grow up and handle your shit folks.

I respect that you're approaching this diplomatically, but it still grinds my gears to read this argument. How many adults can you list right now that were directly affected by the existence of a make believe character during their childhood? I'm with you 100% that there are better things that can be taught to your

As a previous end-game raider since vanilla I also want to add.

Making cookie butter can really dehydrate you.

I have to convince myself that Nissan had zero intention of meeting any current design standards with this vehicle. It's just too damn fun to drive.

I am curious how this works for people like myself that read in bed and may turn sideways. That double - tilt looks like a way to calibrate. Is that correct or is this really only effective while reading with the phone directly in front of you, 90 degrees from the ground?

Looks like Dagobah

The WHO does something similar where they set massively high goals on a 15(?) year time frame. Everyone knows the goals have a low chance of being hit, but seeing a 40% decrease in world hunger while striving for 100% is a life changing feat regardless. Its an interesting concept if you can find some literature on it.

Good luck swinging that in one of the most unionized industries on on the the planet!

You picked the perfect picture to describe this. Cars are the LAST thing anyone should call an investment apart from a sandwich. If you see the words "residual" or "depreciation" then kiss your money goodbye.

I think it's more of a balance. Whoever coined the phrase "Money doesn't buy happiness" clearly had never driven a jetski. As an entrepreneur I've discovered that for myself, but more importantly my employees, that time off is often as valuable as a raise. Money can give you peace of mind, which as you put it can be a

Back in my day, I spent my time finding out what skills and certifications I needed to move up the ladder in my desired field. Do yourself a favor and go order a PMBOK while your other friends are busy calculating their financial demise.