
I saw these for sale out front of a local grocery store here in Georgia and had no idea what I was looking at. It doesn't help it was 82 degrees four days after a 21 degree night. My HVAC unit is offering me ADD drugs at this point.

Power BI on Office 365 blew all competition out of water for me recently.

Can these be taken on a flight?

Can these be taken on a flight?

He also forgot to mention that it's powered by a diesel engine.

The only one of these I've heard of in the last 10 years is Heat Sheet, but it was a list of old-age new cars that would have an additional $50 or so in compensation for the salesperson since it was very likely to be sold at a loss. Nothing bad at all.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you look to your left you will see a Suzuki owner.

My wife and I fit the old saying perfectly (sure it's a bit sexist, but true in my case). "A woman will buy any item she doesn't need for %20 off. A man will spend 20% more for something he needs."

Ahhhhh that's so smart! Freakin' Lifehacker...

Two big thumbs up for the last 6 or so paragraphs! So many new technologies have, for the most part, killed gross numbers. Factories have reacted by hiding money in various incentives that salespeople and quite often not even the sales managers know about. If you're in a small town or have no nearby competitors then

Haha, I forgot about that! (I've only been taught that 600,000 times by my retired air force father... ) Made me visualize the wings popping off the side of a plane a'la the boosters off of space shuttle.

Just because I've been around this block, I'm going to play devil's advocate - I like to think someone will have a damn good idea one day. What happens when Honda and Toyota are manufacturing competitive models? What actions would one of those manufacturers take in order to outsell the other to remain relevant?


So, serious question here. If car salesmen turned into simple customer service reps i.e. providing info via phone/email, providing an educational test drive, walking you through the legal and financial paperwork, and completing a delivery to acquaint you with your new car and the things like scheduling future service

Go lookup the INDEX and MATCH combo. I used VLOOKUP for years and did so many bizarre things with my data to make it work at times. The INDEX/MATCH combo is VLOOKUP on steroids. It takes a little thinking to get used to the logic behind it, but I promise it will be a "HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS!?" moment for you.

Isn't it nice that our species is so advanced that we dont even feel the need to be "safe" while we tear through the clouds a few thousand feet off the ground at a few hundred miles per hour in a metal tube strapped to a tank of fuel? So long as the Wi-Fi is fast.. .

I think you just proved why people buy extended warranties just a few sentences in. "You're buying something that is worth less than what you're getting MOST of the time." Would you buy a $2000 extended warranty on your vehicle by accident? What if someone said it was required in order to close the deal? Nobody buys

I'm sorry if that's how it came across. Dealerships sell extended warranties for profit, in fact, I can't think of a single retail outlet that sells anything at cost solely to benefit a customer, can you? I think that's called charity.

I appreciate the sentiment!

and we're all going to die from Ebola.

You got it! Proof in writing and it never hurts to call and confirm coverage even from a reputable dealer. Mistakes happen far more often than illegal activity.

Don't you think that's an unfair generalization? I agree 100% that dealers/salespeople/etc are there to make money, anyone in sales is and to say otherwise is naive.