Well unpacked, Money$$$.
Well unpacked, Money$$$.
Understood. My outrage made me type too fast.
Only $5K for scarring five children for life?
It’s so late and I’m going to bed but this has been on my mind a few days so here goes. All my life I’ve gotten involved with/been attracted to lame guys. Guys who don’t really want a relationship. Guys who are just rebounding and will return to their own personal heartbreakers just as soon as I’m like yesterday’s…
Making friends is easier than it seems. Short, un-needy phone calls (“hey, whatcha doing right now?”), a funny text once in a while, let’s go get some coffee and BOOM! you’re a friend. Good luck. Sorry to say, your friend is selfish and like most selfish people (erm) probably doesn’t realize it. Hang in!
P.S. I have a personal rule not to tell pregnancy horror stories to pregnant women. It’s just not right to add fear to stress and pain. C’mon.
Can you seek out yoga for pregnant women? Online? I had that pain when I was pregnant…awful. Yoga does amazing things (says me, exercise-averse person).
I turned the incredibly sturdy box for a Krups capp/espress/coffee behemoth into storage for all the Christmas-tree decorations. The box even has a solid plastic handle built in, and has outlasted its original contents. Apple boxes are beautiful. I like looking at them. (Is that joy?) I always partially pay for my…
Yes, free. Plus: ugly Christmas sweater contest ~yawn~.
A very cool Dr. Zhivago kind of getup. The capes might have been cool but for the hoods. I listened to the whole 2-and-a-half-minutes-long commercial to see everybody in action. Royalty! Awesome conspicuous consumption! And then I saw his little weeny braid.
I had my Christmas lunch this week too. Pretty good, if you’re okay with processed turkey breast “loaf.”
That, and those little felt circles for the bottoms of furniture feet that they charge too much for at Lowe’s.
Nevernudes. I’ve never understood them. They are weird. I would die if I had to stay dressed all the time. Literally. Die.
Personally, I compromise when people come over. I wear driving mocs. Comfy, like slippers, but still look totally like street shoes.