
Seriously. Hey Paddington, does the "B" stand for "Basic"?


What does publishing, writing or reading articles on dumb topics have to do with not wanting to see violent porn gifs unexpectedly?

No, and fuck you. Jezebel should be able to post articles about whatever they damn well please without having to deal with rape gifs and gore porn and whatever the fuck else. Those are being used as a silencing tool, and your comment is no better.

Sure you can, for five minutes.


I am so far from a Megan Fox fan, but when I read this I thought - is she kidding? Maybe she's being a goof as a way of deflecting questions about her sex life (I mean, who the fuck is asking about her and her husband's sex life?!). But I don't know - I can't decipher the tone from these quotes.

I know I'm not supposed to feed the troll, but seriously? You created an account and came here just to announce that YOU feel that this woman's body is not up to your standards? This woman, who is basically famous FOR HER BODY? Are you Gisele mixed with Elle McPherson with a soupcon of Kate Upton?

As a person who enjoys vegetables more than meat, I find it equally awful, although the veggies are generally less expensive. It's the reason why so many people don't like cooked vegetables, because they taste like water and have the consistency of mush, when they can be so much better.

I definitely think the clothes lend a timeless quality to the characters — the well-dressed but not trendy woman.

in "Blue Jasmine" Kate Blanchett almost exclusively wore expensive designer duds, carried a Hermes Birkin and was shod in thousand dollar heels.

That's bullshit tho. The vast majority (85% IIRC) of offenders who possess CP are also actively abusing kids as well.

I don't eat out much but we do go to an expensive grocery store. We try to make lists and not waste. We could definitely do a better job.

Could probably afford some meats if he went with frozen, or even just non-organic veggies. Sure, frozen veggies don't have the same flavor, but nutritionally and convenience-wise, they're as good or better.

Eh. If you think about it, a doll might actually be the BEST way to introduce children to the idea of the different anatomies. Kids learn a lot during playtime and this is a good way for them to learn about the different names of body parts etc, without getting caught ogling some other kid's junk on the playground out

I would wear the heck out of this if I were 19 and trying to be sexy-cute at a costume party. I'm pretty sure that's their target demographic for this collection anyway.

That was a respectable attempt at a passive agressive response. From your posts it sounds like you own a Crossfit Franchise. Some might think that's a good investment, I suppose.

Part of Crossfit is performing movements with a relatively high potential for injury in a competitive environment with implicit pressure to go faster and heavier. This will inevitably lead to breakdowns in form, and injuries.

As someone who has done Crossfit for about two years, I can say that I love the workouts - I've gotten in pretty good shape for a guy who didn't do much until his 40s. But I don't really like the "vibe" around the movement. We aren't talking anything revolutionary here so stop acting like it.

I'm surprised people pay to do CrossFit. It is open source and you can find all the work outs online. Coupled with the fact you can do pretty much any CrossFit regimen in your backyard or your local gym makes me wonder how the hell these people make money.