The original submission and this video have now merged into the same storyline in my mind.
The original submission and this video have now merged into the same storyline in my mind.
I don't know, imagining a loose acquaintance showing up to a work presentation and blasting a fight song on the clarinet is unsettling.
Eh, it's a little weird, but in the end, having a slice of pizza once a week after the gym is no worse than indulging in the smoothies/juices/fitness bars/protein "cookies"/etc other, more expensive gyms offer.
For what it's worth, Planet Fitness in Arlington let me and my fiance cancel with zero issues when we needed to. I did go in person though, hmmm.
He also respects his mother: "Letcha Mamma talk." Seriously, Dallas, it's your mother, shut up.
The very last entry is where absurdity peaks. $75 for 6 bags of dry pasta. Not even the fresh stuff. Dry pasta.
Wow, I'm loving Ji Nilsson's music and a lot of the related content. Go Scandinavia!
Somewhat more likely to kill you than the flu if you get it.
"Even in fashion, that daring creative space where nothing is ever off limits.."
Seems reasonable for a non-omnipotent site to add the "probably."
As in Goodfellas, neither Ray Liotta or DeNiro are genetically that Italian in real life, so the precedent does make a lot of sense. Liotta was adopted and DeNiro had an Italian grandfather but they are both mostly "white:other." Cultural background and names aside, it's not any weirder for them to play Irish guys…
During long car rides, I sometimes feel aroused down there without feeling turned on. I told my fiance once, and he said he frequently gets "road wood" of the same variety. We discussed and wondered if it has to do with blood flow being impacted by sitting in the same position for an extended period.
There is a definitely a similar sensation. When aroused, blood rushes to the clit, and it swells, becomes erect and becomes more sensitive. It can be extremely uncomfortable to painful if you have to try to ignore it. The clit definitely feels more "there" regardless.
I don't even like when people take the stall next to me, so I don't question urinal etiquette.
I have a childhood friend who developed endometriosis at a very young age and was put on birth control while still in junior high in part because her period cramping was so severe that she would vomit and sometimes pass out from the pain. It really did sound exactly like a man getting kicked in the balls, so I've…
My tits fill themselves up with salt and water once a month, for free, and it does cause pain.
The porniest part of the Spiderwoman is how the ass is practically split in half, in a way no ass would naturally be.