
“We analyzed”

Counterpoint : if you don’t read the comics, avoided the chatter and conjecture all summer and just watched the show last night, like I did, it was totally worth it.

Tilda Swinton.

The best Panther related moment that wasn’t directly related to him. When The Dora Miljae threatened Black Widow with “Move. Or you will be moved.”

I’ve seen this justification for her behavior for YEARS. It still doesn’t fly. First of all, if you watched the episodes with Jon in them, he does a LOT. She sits back and orders him around or wipes the same spot on the kitchen counter while verbally abusing anyone unlucky enough to get near her. She sits in her white

So this mall thing in XMen. They're remaking the first episode of the animated series?

Assholes like this are why I still support the death penalty being around. People like him deserve it.

Eddie Redmayne and his wife Hannah Bagshawe are expecting a baby.

Eh... Kinda good, but nothing really special. Freak Show still has the best one, IMO.

No debate here. Mmmmmm, sweet delicious dangerously-purple dirt.

Gary Oldman’s Dracula. In his long locks and tinted spectacles presentation, not the crusty old dude or human bat.

This chap’s purpose in life is to use sweets to lure children into a cage. Terrifying (and fantastically played by the ballet dancer Robert Helpmann).

Jeff Goldblum, once he starts becoming The Fly.

“Do you know what your daughter did? Your cunting daughter?”

I'm hoping for some off-color puppet slurs like in Greg the Bunny (which I loved and still miss).