Pit Pat

But why bother reporting it? By your own standard, Adkins should be hung out to dry because he reported a crime. Meanwhile, you’re okay with reporting crimes against yourself, (which is completely understandable!). But if the cops aren’t going to help, what was the point?

Alright, by that metric, if you saw your own car getting stolen by someone, you’d let it slide, because hey it’s cool, why would someone report that. If someone tagged public statue, or maybe trashed a public playground, no worries mate, why hold anyone responsible?

k cool, so where do you draw the line on what people should report to the police?  curious as to the extent of your moral compass and why it’s apparently superior to his

yeah i would be curious to see how their total users/engagement numbers have fared lately

The new delorean is cool, certainly, but the old design is pretty goddamned awesome and everything the cybertruck wishes it could be (and isnt). slapping a modern drivetrain, suspension and interior into that legacy chassis/body would be KILLER

I don’t see how you could come to the conclusion that De Armas is a major role in the movie.. she’s in literally one scene in the trailer. I mean, just watch the deleted scene on Youtube, bruh. It’s cute, but you don’t really miss it in the greater context of the film.

i prefer this for all my food-related app activity:

don’t people get tired of the yearly upgrade cycle?  even you apple fanbois out there?  I can’t imagine the constant desire to upgrade upgrade upgrade, seems like a waste of money and environmental resources

THANK YOU for mentioning Walker. Honestly he’s the biggest heel of all in this photo, and when you’re photographed next to President Cheeto, that’s saying something.

don’t forget Fauci, bigly, et al

Kind of sad that the only way to get a grammatically correct, clearly understandable sentence from you is when you post someone else’s meme.

Also riding in vehicle and school is out Teach , by the way .. where a comma goes Toots.

well nuts, I suspected, but i was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.  naughty naughty

dang dude, who tinkled in your cheerios this morning

AI scripts are terrible. AI novels are terrible. AI visuals are terrible. If you want something derivative and shoddy, then AI will be great for the future of entertainment.

that timelapse looks like something out of SimCity or Civilization.  what a trip

Congrats, you’ve instantly outed yourself as someone younger than 35 years old. The fact that there is only you making this comment means that Jalop is full of the olds. You are rare bird indeed.

unless your name was “ChatGPT”.. but then, can AI be proud of itself?

michael bay would be proud

The problem is that environmentalists can’t connect the notion that even though measures like this would ‘make X industry more costly’, the fact is that if we don’t make these industries most costly then other downstream effects (damage/human toll from weather/extreme climate conditions) will likely be even costlier.