Pit Pat
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ill leave this here because this dude is a fucking idiot

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I’m a little surprised I have to litigate this at all. It’s easily researchable that it was done almost entirely practically, there’s a Wikipedia page about it and everything.

as an owner of an Aspen White, I can get behind this

oh come on if we’re doing a Lotus you can’t ignore this

This (Honda - The Cog) was incredibly satisfying to watch. I mean, who doesn’t love a Rube Goldberg, even if this one isn’t real.

the Bionic chip series already performs well above Android alternatives on most benchmarks

That’s a lot of doom and gloom, the kind that Fox news and OAN righties love to wring their hands over. If you honestly think Disney is in actual financial trouble, and you honestly think they’re ‘burning down,’ well, enjoy that warm feeling of smug righteousness, I guess? I personally like to see American companies

how do you figure? one bad quarter amidst a year and a half of ho-hum, just-doing-fine net profits. nobody’s burning anything down, Disney is perfectly stable and going absolutely nowhere. Desantis, on the other hand.. well he’s probably going absolutely nowhere also- least of all the White House. He shouldn’t write

da fuk u talking about dude

And in other news, the sky is blue

At some point even the fanboys and early adopters will likely tire of the constant upgrade cycle. And maybe I’m off base but it seems like the latest and greatest these days are much more incremental upgrades in terms of overall performance. Back in the day, the iPhone 4 was a monumental upgrade over something like

LMG is multiple channels and they release 25 videos a week on average. Maybe slow down before trying to pounce on someone else with a big ‘GOTCHA!’; you just look foolish and uninformed.

wow, this deserves an order of magnitude more stars than it currently has.  bravo

It’s Morbin’ Tron!

Isn’t that what’s already happening with Twit- I mean, ‘X’?

Zuck is pretty shredded at this point. Musk lives on Diet Coke. Maybe Musk could luck out and land a punch early on- he’s obviously got the weight and the reach, but the moment they hit the canvas it’s over, Zuck would pretty easily get Musk to submit... you can’t honestly think Musk has an ice cube’s chance in hell

So, basically anything on the Toyota 2GR or Honda L15 platform.

I mean, the old Twix slogan from the 90's seems to apply perfectly to Elon Musk’s entire existence:

I love Mexican food.  I (very occasionally) love Taco Bell too.  There is virtually zero overlap between these two things.

FWIW, There isn’t a single major studio head that makes less than 200x the average of their respective employees. And, as CEOs, they need to realize that their job is actually the easiest to replace with AI.