intentional == for the lolz?
intentional == for the lolz?
As someone who also works in reality, NOBODY should be surprised that Bravo is in the crosshairs here. They run a shit operation, and always have. They’re notorious.
The Little Rock 911 system is known among residents for its lack of response
// who revealed the purchase in a post on X, the platform previously known as Twitter
Aston Mazdan?
I’m not smart enough to come up with a better solution....but it’s real dumb!
Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up.
2007 Sienna CE - Bought cash for $3600 4 years ago
I mean, in all likelihood it'll happen, but because Elon Musk is involved it'll just be 4 years late and cost twice as much as originally announced
Sigh, getting mad about a trailer. Hair trigger maybe? People need to ease up...
This entire article is about Cube saying the same thing but somehow ItS ToTaLlY dIfFeRnT
But that’s not what they said.
That it was ‘Trump’s Vaccine” they were taking, and they took it before Biden was in office. Isn’t that your original point?
Ok, so the article mentions Dems Mazie Hirono, Brian Schatz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Blumental and Chuck Schumer, amongst others. Whitehouse endorsed/got the vaccine on Dec 19th, 2020. Same with Richard Blumenthal and Chuck Schumer. Hirono and Schatz endorsed the vaccine on Dec 21, 2020. Wasn’t Trump still in…
The fact that you’re including ‘spreads’ loaded with sugar and emulsifiers, AND ranking them high on this godforsaken list, speaks volumes to you apparent lack of taste. Peanut butter should be ground-up peanuts and salt. That’s it.