Come on, Mazda 323GTX. AWD+Turbo Miata engine in an affordable shitbox? What could go wrong?
Come on, Mazda 323GTX. AWD+Turbo Miata engine in an affordable shitbox? What could go wrong?
I know the perfect motor for it! A 1.8L Toyota I4, midmounted! Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?!
Agreed. The facelifted version is better than the OG, but I would guess there’s something in between the two versions not yet realized that would’ve looked even better.
Nah it’s definitely a step backwards in the look department. Esp the rear end, that looks pretty fucking terrible now.
while the rest of the purported specs on this are (mildly) disappointing, those seats are fucking awesome
Not tryna fat shame here but from all appearances, it looks like this dude could probably use the 40 min walk round trip each day
It makes sense- firemen who live in Florida are still Florida Men.
i think they look pretty damn sweet! the profile is BMW i3-ish, except not ugly.
as a recently minted Carmel resident, i can affirm you get used to it. and now i fucking love them- im convinced they’re massive time-savers
florida gonna florida
Inevitably we all will. Insurance, I’m sure, will be called to rescue the poor souls and we’ll collectively foot the bill.
but but but:
You get a star for your post. I wish I could give an extra several thousand stars for just the first paragraph.
Odds are Waymo ain’t coming to Carmel IN anytime soon
meh i saw something like this 15 years ago
All that is wrapped in a tidy mama bear-esque parkable wagon package. What’s not to like?
so when some cybercab driver gets a moving violation, who gets the ticket?
cute, but nowadays if you could just finagle a K20 in there it would get you more power from (obviously) far less complexity
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