I’m pretty sure the writer meant that Hamill was able to get over it (“it” being the movie not doing everything exactly the way he wanted it to) because he was an adult, and by getting over it he was able to form an unbiased opinion of the movie, which in his case was positive. I may not always agree with the AV Club…
It doesn’t make you a bad person, but it just seems like it’d be really uncomfortable to sit through.
Instead of them taking his name off, why doesn’t he take their name? Then USC will be the one accused of all the terrible things he did.
I absolutely can’t wait to watch this. The only character I’m desperately hoping doesn’t show up even as a cameo is Arnold’s cousin Arnie. That motherfucker can die in a fire in cartoon hell.
Yeah, there’s a shot of him about to sign his full name in one of the trailers. Smart money is on “Shortman.”
I think I’d be okay with William H. Macy just taking over for Louis CK in general.
I don’t understand how bad video game presentations still happen. They always seem so last minute, they always put up someone who looks uncomfortable at the thought of having to tuck in their shirt, and they’re always delivered with the same sort of optimism you hear from a high school math teacher promising that…
What bugs me about the trailer is the lack of clarity regarding what it can possibly represent for the final game. It’s a five-minute sequence wherein who appears to be a major character is placed in ever-escalating danger before being rescued, and who appears to be a major villain has an upper hand before being…
Everyone should rewatch the first Rocky at least once a year. It is such a great story.
Creed II: The Legend of Paulie’s Gold
Rocky Balboa and Creed were really good films. It seems that the less money Stallone has to work with, the better movie he makes.
But if he’s bringing back Drago, I’m sitting this one out.
Creed 2: Spuise Control
The AV Club
The unlisted episode titles are “The Return of Barb,” “Barb’s Revenge” and “Barb Goes Super Saiyan.”
I don’t really get the point of this, not gonna lie.
The term “Mary Sue” has been warped well beyond all usefulness.
Remember, any hyper-comapntent female in a gemnre story is a Mary Sue, but any hyper-comaptent male is just, you know, part of the universe.
I usually give new shows five episodes to find their feet if I’m reasonably interested in the premise (though to be honest, with anything set in space it takes a lot to dissuade me from watching.) The first two prologue-style episodes didn’t do it for me but I was on board after episode 3. This one felt like a bit of…
Ray Holt badly pretending to be straight should not be as funny as it is.