
Mostly I was making a dig at the way he ignored plot points from Iron Man 3 there.

After seeing Age of Ultron it’d be easier to believe that he’d never seen a Shane Black film.

I think it just further illustrates Tarantino’s less-than-healthy treatment of and psychological relationship with Thurman

I think the suggestion is that Tarantino was projecting his own feelings towards Thurman at that stage of the shoot, and that’s why he personally volunteered to spit at her instead of using another actor.

God this place hates women so much

I always knew Tarantino was an asshole, but... not quite at this level. His behavior and treatment of Uma (along with Weinstein’s, obviously) is disgusting. There should be repercussions for Quentin’s absurd negligence.

When he bites into that goddamn banana...

I don’t know man, I feel there’s a least half a dozen skits at the top of my head that lived and died on the basis of Key and Peele’s performances, Jordan Peele included. Slap Ass? The Meegan sketches? Wendell? The freaking Goonies 2 thing? I could easily see a world in which those aired on SNL, and fell completely

Now playing

Here’s what we’ve lost with this decision:

Don’t see why he can’t both act and direct, dude clearly has good comedic presence.

I have high hopes for this movie, but it annoys me when people make a big deal about works of entertainment being “for adults.” I just got done re-watching Babylon 5, and even though I still enjoyed it a lot I still don’t care for all JMS’s talk about how he was making a show FOR ADULTS! People who say things like


Yeah, Lucas took from stuff that was much, much older than Dune.

3 John 3 Wick

Automatically marked down a letter grade for not going with John Wi3k.

No one is, come to think of it.  You understand every character’s motivation in the end, and I think that’s one reason why the show’s writing has been so consistent and so consistently GOOD.

Awesome, so I’m probably missing content, good job on the redesign. Literally the only thing I want is an ‘everything’ tag. Just everything on the site, unfiltered, without having to go through multiple subpages with overlapping content, like how Io9 and Gizmodo are 90% identical.

Yeah. The fact that neither parent is treated like an idiot is one of the more refreshing things when it comes to Bob’s Burgers.

Hes also NOT disconcertingly physically or emotionally abusive.

I think Bob’s Burgers is also the only family-based sitcom where the father is NOT a buffoon. Sure, Bob is not the sharpest spatula in the drawer, but he’s no Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, or any other current TV dad I could think of.