
When the rumors started there was a surprisingly big (ish) backlash against the idea, then the game actually came out and a lot of the impressions went from "How dare Nintendo cancel this game" to "OHHHHHH yeah they should not have done this"

I don't think it's had any marketing. There were rumors that Nintendo wanted to cancel their involvement in releasing the game when they saw how it was turning out.

Finally my Bionicle collection will pay off!

They've been apologizing for this season's delay which they called the "perfect storm of things going wrong." They also said it doesn't affect the quality but there was a big staff turnover it sounds like.

My favorite show coming back, YAY SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR

I read a theory that Hatred still having boobs represents him being a symbolic mother figure for the boys…

And that hand gesture they do every three seconds…


I just am completely bleh about it being compared to Star Wars. On one cynical hand I can see what they mean just from the box office numbers. But…I just don't see a universe in Avatar I want to spend any great amount of time watching or getting immersed in. I don't like any of the characters, I can't remember many

It's still so weird to me that a movie that made so much money has like…no fandom to speak of. Then I think about the movie for more than two seconds and remember why but still. The best you hear about it was "I thought it was an alright movie."

"The advertising! It's working! IIIITTTT'S WOOOORRRKIIIINGG!"

Was Unfinished Business this year? The trailer they kept playing on TV was so awful.

The guy who's in charge of clarifying the amount of bear rape in the entertainment industry sighs until he remembers he gets paid on a case by case basis.

After going through some Star Wars catharsis after a long (and mostly worth it) hype cycle I just kind of lazed around this weekend and started another rewatch of Lost.

After Force Awakens…I would kind of rather the next Harry Potter universe story be ahead in the timeline rather than backwards.

Fun fact: when I was in sixth grade I made a great caricature of Kurt Angle with a word bubble from him saying "I suck." but I wasn't able to bring it into the show (Judgment Day 2005 if you're wondering) because my brother had written "JBL: Just a Big Lardass" on the back.

And EVERYTHING there somehow ties to Dark Souls.

I think even Database has had more screentime than Sherri and Terri.

I think it's fitting for one of the only times the town doesn't get destroyed is when everyone had guns. It was goofy and in character for the citizens.

Like the bit in Stella where the guys give a speech and someone stands up and starts a slow clap, then says "I…hated…that so MUCH." with each clap?