
"they're so bored with the whole business of trying to be the little woman, when no such thing really exists anymore."

True dat, if Reagan and Kennedy had more men on their Secret Service detail, maybe they won't have gotten shot.

For years, everyone in the world has misunderstood Kristen Stewart's compressed emotional range. They thought it meant she was a limited actress; it means nothing of the kind. She is John Wayne being forced to play the Maureen O'Hara character. Give her a rail to lean against during a sunset, a military jacket, a

WERQ, Barbie!

she also has a linkedin account as well.all other dolls are just basic, barbara handler gets things done

Serial monogamy and prostitution are the only choices. Everyone knows that. Even JLo.

I'd be willing to bet that, despite the legislation pushing abstinence only education, teens these days, now more than ever, have nigh unfettered access to information via the internet, which has led to teens being more educated about sex and pregnancy than ever before.

Everyone's too busy sexting to actually meet up and have sex.

Impressive show of morals by all companies involved!

Yup, you're a jerk.

People cry for different reasons. I think it's weird when people cry at weddings. I cry during Disney movies. Some people cry at work. This makes more sense to me than crying at weddings (Your work is about your passion, weddings are about legal banging and cake).

I disagree that christianizing a conquered people and damning cultural taboos under which women are suffering are equal imperialistic.

A former coworker is a Sikh who wears a turban. He was at an anti-poverty protest once, when a woman with a Central European accent came up to him and after chatting a bit started asking about his turban. After he explained that he was Sikh, she said "No offense, but you look like a terrorist."

Without missing a beat

You know what I think? We need a mandatory World Religions class for every fucking highschooler in America. My Catholic school required it. Junior year — world religions. I believe the archdiocese required it for all the Catholic high schools. I got to college and someone was spouting off crap about Hinduism that was

Yes, thank you for saying this. Nobody is saying that people can't have an opinion about whether this is bad or not. Just don't privilege your opinion over the opinions of Nepali women, don't infantilize Nepali women and people by assuming they don't know what's best for themselves, don't assume that there aren't

You just have a list of excuses not to help people. Yes, we do have a lot of work to do in the US. A lot.
But most of us have enough energy and compassion to care about women in Nepal and in the US. It IS appropriate to condemn practices that harm and marginalized any group.
I can be concerned about menstruating women

Here's an easy guide to cultural sensitivity:

The ability to block people from your Facebook feed is, frankly, the best function that website ever gave us IMHO. That way you can still pop over to their profile and see baby pics/wedding pics/vacation pics and wish happy birthday without the CONSTANT STREAM OF WTF.

Oh, man, I have a friend, a VERY GOOD FRIEND, a bridesmaid, I am the godmother to her daughter. And I absolutely hate her social media presence. Constantly making passive aggressive, attention-seeking status messages, self-congratulatory announcements about every good deed she ever does, public displays of affection