
Incurable Gonorrhea is possibly a better reason than my incurable Catholic guilt.

this was just the mental cure I needed! I am already a hypochondriac - whose neuroses were worsen after being raped by a guy I knew was promiscuous, and waiting two awful months to get tested for the STDs I might have got

Also... somehow relevant

"...They're making 400 or 500,000 a year. They have wardrobe budgets, salon budgets, T&E budgets. Endless budgets! They're on every A-list in town..."Maybe I'm old and bitter, but I would take the above over a man any day!

I hope she remembers to guard and count her drinks carefully. We wouldn't want her to end up regret-sexing!

It's wonderful, absolutely wonderful! I'm financially independent. I look great. I'm healthy. It's never been better!

In patriarchal America, porn is you.

Just about spit out my evening coffee @ "We are about to poooooooooork!"

"Happy NOW, Jezebel?!" AAAAHAHAHhahahaha.....!

Totally agree re: major body work. I got my third and fourth arms attached just before college, and it really helped me balance course-work and husband hunting.

Sure they can—that's the magic of the double bind! See also: emasculator/golddigger, prude/slut, airhead/feminazi, and so on. That's the clever thing about sexism—no matter what a woman does, it's possible to criticize her for it.

"All Pauline wanted was a little customer service."

This is ... truly a thing.

"It's dangerous to say to women that you can count on men to act responsibility."

Anyone else see this lady's face and think, "There's someone who's never had an orgasm"?

She is being totally ridiculous—what you should do, ladies, is close the trap earlier! At the end of high school, get knocked up by a boy WHO IS GOING TO ATTEND PRINCETON and force him into marriage! That way you don't HAVE to spend the tuition to find a man—-you have him locked down before any of those college ladies

She's trolling us all. She's GOT to be trolling us all.


I dunno. I appreciate what the photographer is trying to do, but...This reminds me of when I was 19 (pre-Internet, pre-pornavailableverywhere) and my friend and I went to see male strippers and we were like, hell yeah, let's objectify men!! And then I got there and I just found it weird and depressing that we have to