
You've just given me a great idea for a new sub-genre of romantic comedy.

The temptation to partake in "expressing my beliefs" has all of a sudden become very powerful. Next time I attend an obligatory religious event with my family, I may or may not wear a button that says "Mary was as much a virgin as I am".

Also, if Jason Momoa wishes, he can have my body. That's completely fine.

I'm sorry but I'm having a severely emotional response to the fact that Mean Girls is about to turn 10. That means that i'm getting old. Because I remember consulting my younger sister's friends, who happened to call themselves the Plastics of their Junior high and reminding them that the plastics were not the good

Down with giving my body to science in this way. Sign me up.

Yes indeed! The business of being a real worthwhile woman who is on her way to getting inseminated but hasn't yet done so. IE: the only type of woman that matters.

None of us will ever get it right. Don't worry, we're all in the wrongness together.

Dating fun, funny and sexy men is all fun and games, but they don't always want to inseminate you and help you create future generations of Princetonians. Don't you understand? It's only post-procreation that you're a human being who's worthy of companionship and fun. Before that, it's all business.

Cue Bill O'Reilly saying that women, gays and black people are about to get a whole lot sluttier if this gets covered by insurance.

I hope so. From the bottom of my "spent my early 20's working in a mall" heart.

So she was able to have children in her 30's and still find interesting attractive men later in her life? So she's basically proof of the ridiculousness of her own thesis.

Has to be trolling us. No other explanation.

Bless you for the Merida GIF.

Ugh my morbid curiosity got the best of me and I actually looked. Currently hating everyone and everything.

New favorite time waste.

She needs gays in her life to help her with those eyebrows.

If she introduces another Merida style princess....I'm in.

I thought Bill was really into family values. And happy marriages. Here is Bey living up to almost every sexist expectation that men have of women: She's almost unbelievably hot. Lady in the street, freak in the bed. Loves Jay-Z who is completely average looking. Had his child, only after marriage. Has her own career

We have to call up our mother hens Sheryl Sandberg and Hillary Clinton and let them know that they're not doing enough emasculating in their fields.