
Ladies don't fall for the trap. These guys are trying to trick you into buying them drinks and then dating them and buying them presents, just so they can leave you for one of those "bad girls" that treat them like shit.

I reserve the right to hate Angelina Jolie. Bitch stole my life.

Haha, you're correct. Sorry, didn't know you were a guy...that's what I get for assuming.

message of unknown origin. can't be comprehended.

I might like a guy a little bit, but I'm still commitment phobic and not a general fan of romantic relationships. I wouldn't want to be the girl that makes a good guy get bitter just because I led him on and then brushed him off.

Try OKC. I would guesstimate the following statistic:

Oh don't I know it. I get really uncomfortable when they lay it on extra thick. It just seems so forced and fake. Like REALLY, I'm your dream girl? You've never seen eyes more beautiful than mine? I seem like a very intelligent, interesting young lady? How did you infer that from the nonsense written on my profile, or

I grew up in Calgary. Light years of difference. I don't know what it is.

Not to assume, but I will say this much for guys. We frequently underestimate how attractive they find us. I don't want to presume because I don't know you, but even if you don't fit the men's magazine ideal, there are probably a lot of guys who think you're exactly their type.

Or he now has all the NRA folks on his side who will lobby for his freedom no matter what he does. Never mind the KKK folk.

I found that too. But not as much as I expected. To tell you the truth I just wanted to laugh at all the OKC nice guys that might message me. So I put up very flattering full body shots of myself and answered all the OKC questions really obtusely and stupidly.

If the money didn't go directly to the monster, I say so be it. It might be an interesting discussion piece at dinner parties, no?

I always find it fascinating that certain members of very radical religious groups consider the menses such a disturbing and vile thing, when it's exactly the thing that nourishes the baby that we must never prevent via birth control, plan B or abortion.

+1 for your boyfriend.

Recently deleted mine, I was creeped out by how many seemingly DECENT guys were messaging me. Went into it with the worst of expectations, hoping to have something fun to laugh at during my commute and found that most of these guys were probably pretty good dudes and I didn't want to lead them on.

I hope to the almighty Spaghetti Monster in the sky that we never have to see that. Because I will have a compulsive need to look. And then I will find myself wishing for the nuclear holocaust.

Please write a detailed post for Jezebel :)
