
They make your feet look tan af

Congrats to her cause RAAWWN is a mess. 

Lots of questions .... starting with, is it me or are white flip flops tacky? 

I just rewatched the Sopranos a few weeks ago, so currently he is Hesh, but for some reason even though he must have a million credits I usually associate him with Mad About You.  I did watch Northern Exposure (which someone needs to put on a streaming platform), but don’t remember him in. 

“Google owns your DNA, you naive little bitch!”

I recently saw a documentary about humor, specifically, if it’s possible to make a funny yet respectful holocaust joke. They had a slew of interviews with people like Mel Brooks and Robert Clary, everyone interviewed was a Jewish comedian.

OMG, I remember watching this episode as a kid and having a "moment". Because I had an aunt with CFS and the whole family was basically like "she is lazy". This episode was a little uncomfortable. And ten year old me realized that most of my family we're being assholes. 

GG got so much right. I loved her confrontation with the doctor.

Wow, I didn’t know they had an episode about CFS. There’s a doc on Netflix about it and it seems extremely alienating. In it, one woman’s husband divorced her because, ‘I figured it would finally get you out of bed.’ He took custody of the children too. When she didn’t ‘get out of bed’ he apologized. Not everyone was

Now playing

... but wasn’t taken seriously by doctors.

Plenty of people have kids at 43!

It’s stuff like this that makes me want to actually use the word “sociopath”. Like, I know people throw that word around a lot, but this fits the bill. Everything and everyone in this whole situation were just objects for him to use to achieve his goal.

Alow me to point something out that the press and so many in media will not out right say:

I literally can’t wait for white progressive bros on Twitter to learn for a second time that the Democratic voter base is women, especially women of color....and not white working class men who hate Hillary Clinton.

Bernie has fought for progressive causes all his life.  Terrific.  Let him continue to do so from the Senate.  Or as an elder statesman in the private sector.  He shouldn’t be the Democratic Party candidate for president.

I was positively surprised by how well Josh turned up this episode. He was considerate, he was understanding, he was kind. He was everything Beccs thought he was back in season 3. When he said “you know you can’t have three drinks, you Jewish”, me heart warmed. He really knows her and listens to her. A season 2-3 Josh

And you always have another one, because you get egged on like seder plates.

yes. although it is also common for women not to be at the doctor’s 18 hours later because their heart attack was the silent type. Paula’s symptoms were really strong with the looking like hell, vomiting, and so on.
what i mean is, in real life it might have come out that this was her second heart attack already

Is it a known stereotype that Semites can’t handle their booze?

This episode started a little slowly for me, but gradually it turned all too relatable. I definitely can’t handle more than 3 drinks—two, to he honest. And I may have started to cry during the darkness song.